Life is filled with more instances of waiting than actually doing what we were waiting for. We all have gone through the irritating period of waiting for someone who is a regular late comer. These times come quite often in life and can be made exciting and productive instead of boring and restless if you follow these 7 tips given below. 与其说是在做实事,还不如说生活中更多的是等待吧。每个人都有过惴惴不安等待总迟到的人的经历。等待在生活中处处可见,与其让这段时间无聊虚度,还不如参考以下7个方法,让它变得开心而有意义呢。
1. Edit pictures 编辑图片
In this era of smartphones, you can’t really get bored while awaiting someone. However, if you are fed up of playing games and chatting aimlessly online, you could download a host of exciting photo editing apps. They are great fun to use on pictures and one can keep editing for hours altogether, it’s that addictive. 在这个智能手机盛行的年代,谁都不至于在等人时感到无聊。但要是你已经厌倦玩游戏或漫无目的地瞎侃,何不下载各种好玩的图片编辑软件呢。编辑图片也很有意思,还很容易上瘾,说不定你玩上几个小时都停不下来呢。
2. Observe people around you 观察周围的人
A great exercise to do is to observe people around you. This doesn’t mean that you stare at them. Keep glancing at their actions, expressions and voices. Surely you would be able to find something new, interesting and amusing from such observations. 还有一个消磨时间的办法就是观察周围的人。当然,这不是要你盯着人家看,而是让你观察别人的言行举止。观察之后,你肯定也能发现新奇好玩的乐子。
3. Close your eyes 闭目养神
If you are in a public place or on a transport vehicle, ensure that you are not wearing any expensive jewelry and clutch your purse before doing this exercise. Close your eyes, massage your temples and eyes and rotate your neck. This is an excellent relaxation technique to calm your nerves. 如果你是在公共场所或交通车辆上,切记先保管好贵重首饰、捂紧包包,然后再闭上眼睛、按摩太阳穴和眼眶、扭扭脖子,这么做能极大放松你绷紧的神经。
4. Chew gum 嚼口香糖
Purchase a pack of gum or keep one handy in your purse at all times so that you can chew on a gum while waiting for your not so punctual colleague or friend. This will be like an exercise for your jaw and facial muscles that will help in toning the fat on the face. 在等不准时的同事或朋友时,可以买包口香糖或随时在包里备点口香糖。嚼口香糖能锻炼下颚和面部肌肉,有助于平衡面部脂肪。
5. Keep a small book or Rubik cube handy 随身携带小书或魔方
You could always store away a small book or Rubik cube in your purse if your profession demands many instances of waiting around. Banish boredom with these 2 items that will keep you intellectually and mentally stimulated. 要是工作上总遇到等待,你可以在包里放一本小书或魔方。书或魔方不仅能打发无聊,还能锻炼智力和心智哦。
6. Explore your surroundings 熟悉周边环境
You may have been at that very place numerous times, but never really explored it. Use this extra time constructively by roaming around in the area and knowing new things about it. Traveling, how much ever far away or nearby, is always novel and exciting. 或许你已经去过那个地方很多次了,但却从不曾好好熟悉一下。所以,何不趁等待的机会仔细逛一逛,发掘一些新鲜事物呢?不论远近,出游总是充满新奇与快乐的吧。
7. Try to compose a poem 试着吟首小诗
Put your creative juices to good use by trying to bring out the poet in you. You could use your frustration over waiting and use mockery of the late-comer as an inspiration for your poem or even the surroundings. Make rhyming lines and make yourself laugh over how silly you may be sounding. 动起你那聪明的脑瓜子,试着吟点小诗吧。灵感既可以是你等待的焦灼,也可以是对迟到者的打趣,甚至是周边的环境。可以押点儿破韵,然后再笑笑自己的酸腐劲儿吧。
1. Edit pictures 编辑图片
In this era of smartphones, you can’t really get bored while awaiting someone. However, if you are fed up of playing games and chatting aimlessly online, you could download a host of exciting photo editing apps. They are great fun to use on pictures and one can keep editing for hours altogether, it’s that addictive. 在这个智能手机盛行的年代,谁都不至于在等人时感到无聊。但要是你已经厌倦玩游戏或漫无目的地瞎侃,何不下载各种好玩的图片编辑软件呢。编辑图片也很有意思,还很容易上瘾,说不定你玩上几个小时都停不下来呢。
2. Observe people around you 观察周围的人
A great exercise to do is to observe people around you. This doesn’t mean that you stare at them. Keep glancing at their actions, expressions and voices. Surely you would be able to find something new, interesting and amusing from such observations. 还有一个消磨时间的办法就是观察周围的人。当然,这不是要你盯着人家看,而是让你观察别人的言行举止。观察之后,你肯定也能发现新奇好玩的乐子。
3. Close your eyes 闭目养神
If you are in a public place or on a transport vehicle, ensure that you are not wearing any expensive jewelry and clutch your purse before doing this exercise. Close your eyes, massage your temples and eyes and rotate your neck. This is an excellent relaxation technique to calm your nerves. 如果你是在公共场所或交通车辆上,切记先保管好贵重首饰、捂紧包包,然后再闭上眼睛、按摩太阳穴和眼眶、扭扭脖子,这么做能极大放松你绷紧的神经。
4. Chew gum 嚼口香糖
Purchase a pack of gum or keep one handy in your purse at all times so that you can chew on a gum while waiting for your not so punctual colleague or friend. This will be like an exercise for your jaw and facial muscles that will help in toning the fat on the face. 在等不准时的同事或朋友时,可以买包口香糖或随时在包里备点口香糖。嚼口香糖能锻炼下颚和面部肌肉,有助于平衡面部脂肪。
5. Keep a small book or Rubik cube handy 随身携带小书或魔方
You could always store away a small book or Rubik cube in your purse if your profession demands many instances of waiting around. Banish boredom with these 2 items that will keep you intellectually and mentally stimulated. 要是工作上总遇到等待,你可以在包里放一本小书或魔方。书或魔方不仅能打发无聊,还能锻炼智力和心智哦。
6. Explore your surroundings 熟悉周边环境
You may have been at that very place numerous times, but never really explored it. Use this extra time constructively by roaming around in the area and knowing new things about it. Traveling, how much ever far away or nearby, is always novel and exciting. 或许你已经去过那个地方很多次了,但却从不曾好好熟悉一下。所以,何不趁等待的机会仔细逛一逛,发掘一些新鲜事物呢?不论远近,出游总是充满新奇与快乐的吧。
7. Try to compose a poem 试着吟首小诗
Put your creative juices to good use by trying to bring out the poet in you. You could use your frustration over waiting and use mockery of the late-comer as an inspiration for your poem or even the surroundings. Make rhyming lines and make yourself laugh over how silly you may be sounding. 动起你那聪明的脑瓜子,试着吟点小诗吧。灵感既可以是你等待的焦灼,也可以是对迟到者的打趣,甚至是周边的环境。可以押点儿破韵,然后再笑笑自己的酸腐劲儿吧。