they are a very dangerous 3 pt team but I dont really see them goign to the 2nd round. Im not a hater in anyway its just the experience level on the playoff teams can bring a new team down. 他们是一支非常有威胁的3分球之队,但是我真的不太看好他们能冲到第二轮。我不是火箭黑,无论如何在季后赛中一个更有季后赛经验的球队总是能轻易基本一个新队。
This is how Houston is supposed to look....Harden, Lin top scorers and several of the bench guys filling their roles...defense was solid as well...never let Portland get inot the game....they look like they can beat anyone 这就是火箭期望看到的....哈登,林疯狂的取分同时板凳上的替补也能很好的提供火力...顽强的防守....绝不给开拓者任何翻盘的机会....他们看起来能击败任何球队。
The rockets are the most fun team to watch when they are rotating the ball. `hope they use T-Rob more with lin so he can get some alley-hoop slams. 当火箭能做好转移球的时候,它是最具有观赏性的一只球队。希望火箭多让罗宾逊和小林子一起打些时间,那样他就会得到很多空位灌篮的机会。 Ps:楼主更喜欢看到的是史密斯。
I agree. Lin never played with the chris paul types in the ivy league but he`s got talent that`s why he can study his opponents & learn how to play them. 我同意。在常青藤联盟打比赛的时候,林从来没有遭遇过像克里斯保罗这种级别的空位。但是他有那种天赋,就是他可以从自己的对手身上学习让自己变得更加优秀然后学会如何和他们对位。