“真的吗?”韦斯莱先生忙问,“它飞得好吗?我——我是说,”看到韦斯莱夫人眼里射出的怒火,他连忙改口,“这是很不对的,孩子们,非常非常不对……” ★Chapter4,在丽痕书店,AT FLOURISH AND BLOTTS Mr. Malfoy’s lip curled. "I have not been visited yet. The name Malfoy still commands a certain respect, yet the Ministry grows ever more meddlesome. There are rumors about a new Muggle Protection Act — no doubt that flea-bitten, Muggle-loving fool Arthur Weasley is behind it —" 马尔福先生撇了撇嘴。“目前还没有来过。马尔福的名字还有一点威望,可是部里越来越好管闲事了。据说要出台一部新的《麻瓜保护法》——一定是那个邋里邋遢的蠢货亚瑟韦斯莱在背后搞鬼,他最喜欢麻瓜——” "So he’s worried," said Mr. Weasley with grim satisfaction. "Oh, I’d love to get Lucius Malfoy for something. . . ." "You be careful, Arthur," said Mrs. Weasley sharply as they were bowed into the bank by a goblin at the door. "That family’s trouble. Don’t go biting off more than you can chew —" "So you don’t think I’m a match for Lucius Malfoy?" said Mr. Weasley indignantly, but he was distracted almost at once by the sight of Hermione’s parents, who were standing nervously at the counter that ran all along the great marble hall, waiting for Hermione to introduce them. “他害怕了,”韦斯莱先生严肃而满意地说,“哦,我真想抓到卢修斯马尔福的证据……” “当心点,亚瑟。”韦斯莱夫人告诫他说,一位小妖躬着身子把他们引进银行。“那一家人可不好惹,别去咬你啃不动的骨头。” “你认为我斗不过马尔福?”韦斯莱先生愤愤地说,可是他的注意力马上被转移了,因为他看见赫敏的父母正局促地站在横贯整个大理石大厅的柜台旁,等着赫敏给他们作介绍。 Harry enjoyed the breakneck journey down to the Weasleys’ vault, but felt dreadful, far worse than he had in Knockturn Alley, when it was opened. There was a very small pile of silver Sickles inside, and just one gold Galleon. Mrs. Weasley felt right into the corners before sweeping the whole lot into her bag. “可是当韦斯莱家的保险库打开时,他感到比在翻倒巷时还可怕。里面是很不起眼的一堆银西可,只有一块金加拢韦斯莱夫人连边边角角都摸过了,最后把所有的硬币都拨拉到她的包里。” "Not as surprised as I am to see you in a shop, Weasley," retorted Malfoy. "I suppose your parents will go hungry for a month to pay for all those." “更让我吃惊的是,居然看到你也进了商店,韦斯莱。”马尔福反唇相讥,“我猜,为了买那些东西,你爸爸妈妈下个月要饿肚子了吧。” "Busy time at the Ministry, I hear," said Mr. Malfoy. "All those raids . . . I hope they’re paying you overtime?" He reached into Ginny’s cauldron and extracted, from amid the glossy Lockhart books, a very old, very battered copy of A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration. "Obviously not,"Mr. Malfoy said. "Dear me, what’s the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don’t even pay you well for it?" “听说老兄公务繁忙得很哪,”马尔福先生说,“那么多的抄查……我想他们付给你加班费了吧?” 他把手伸进金妮的坩埚,从崭新光亮的洛哈特著作中间抽出了一本破破烂烂的《初学变形指南》。“看来并没有。我的天,要是连个好报酬都捞不到,做个巫师中的败类又有什么好处呢?”
★密室,chapter12,THE POLYJUICE POTION复方汤剂 It had been clipped out of the Daily Prophet, and it said: INQUIRY AT THE MINISTRY OF MAGIC Arthur Weasley, Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, was today fined fifty Galleons for bewitching a Muggle car. Mr. Lucius Malfoy, a governor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where the enchanted car crashed earlier this year, called today for Mr. Weasley’s resignation. “Weasley has brought the Ministry into disrepute,” Mr. Malfoy told our reporter. “He is clearly unfit to draw up our laws and his ridiculous Muggle Protection Act should be scrapped immediately.” 是从《预言家日报》上剪下来的,上面写着—— 魔法部的调查滥用麻瓜物品司主任亚瑟韦斯莱,今日因其对一辆麻瓜汽车施以魔法而被罚款五十加拢 这辆被施过魔法的汽车今年早些时候在霍格沃兹魔法学校坠毁。该校的一位董事卢修斯•马尔福今天呼吁韦斯莱先生辞职。“韦斯莱破坏了魔法部的名誉,”马尔福对我报记者说,“他显然不适合为我们制定法律,他的那个荒唐可笑的麻瓜保护法应该立刻废弃。” 韦斯莱先生对此不置评论,不过他的妻子叫记者离开,不然她就把她家的食尸鬼放出来咬他们。 "Well?"said Malfoy impatiently as Harry handed the clipping back to him. "Don’t you think it’s funny?" "Ha, ha," said Harry bleakly. "Arthur Weasley loves Muggles so much he should snap his wand in half and go and join them," said Malfoy scornfully. "You’d never know the Weasleys were purebloods, the way they behave." “怎么样?”当哈利把剪报递还给他时,马尔福不耐烦地问道,“你不觉得很有趣吗?” “亚瑟韦斯莱太喜欢麻瓜了,应该把他的魔杖折成两段,加入麻瓜的行列。” 马尔福轻蔑地说,“瞧韦斯莱一家人的行为,真看不出他们是纯种巫师。”
哈利不敢相信卢修斯·马尔福竟然还敢当面看着他,他不敢相信马尔福竟然出现在这里,在堂堂的魔法部,而康奈利·福吉竟然在跟他说话,要知道哈利几个星期前曾亲口对福吉说过马尔福是个食死徒。 Lucius Malfoy raised his eyes to Mr Weasley’s face. ’And Arthur Weasley too! What are you doing here, Arthur?’ ’I work here,’ said Mr Weasley curtly. ’Not here, surely?’ said Mr Malfoy, raising his eyebrows and glancing towards the door over Mr Weasley’s shoulder. ’I thought you were up on the second floor . . . don’t you do something that involves sneaking Muggle artefacts home and bewitching them?’ ’No,’ Mr Weasley snapped, his fingers now biting into Harry’s shoulder. 卢修斯·马尔福抬起目光望着韦斯莱先生的脸。 “还有亚瑟·韦斯莱!你在这里做什么呢,亚瑟?” “我在这里工作。”韦斯莱先生没好气地说。 “肯定不是这里吧?”马尔福说着扬起眉毛,扫了一眼韦斯莱先生身后的那扇门,“我记得你好像是在二楼……你的那份工作所涉及的不就是把麻瓜物品偷回家,给它们施魔法吗?” “不是。”韦斯莱先生粗暴地说,他的手指已深深陷进了哈利的肩膀。 Harry distinctly heard the gentle clinking of what sounded like a full pocket of gold. ’Really, just because you are Dumbledore’s favourite boy, you must not expect the same indulgence from the rest of us . . . shall we go up to your office, then, Minister?’ ’Certainly,’ said Fudge, turning his back on Harry and Mr Weasley. This way, Lucius.’ They strode off together, talking in low voices. 哈利清楚地听见了一阵轻微的丁零丁零的声音,似乎他的口袋里装满了金子。“说实在的,你可不能因为自己是邓布利多的宠儿,就指望我们其他人也对你骄纵放任……好了,部长,我们这就去你的办公室吧?” “当然,”福吉说着把背转向了哈利和韦斯莱先生,“这边走,卢修斯。” 他们迈开大步走了,一边低声交谈着。 "Gold, I expect,’ said Mr Weasley angrily. ’Malfoy’s been giving generously to all sorts of things for years . . . gets him in with the right people . . . then he can ask favours . . . delay laws he doesn’t want passed . . . oh, he’s very well-connected, Lucius Malfoy." “他们之间到底有什么私事呢?” “我想是金子吧。”韦斯莱先生气愤地说,“许多年来,马尔福一直对各种各样的人出手很大方……好使自己跟有权势的人攀上交情……然后可以要求特殊照顾……让那些他不想通过的法律一拖再拖……哦,卢修斯·马尔福,他真是能量不小,神通广大。”