我是来刷贴的 长经验洒家也来试试8张5分妥妥的小黑镇场就快完了凑数经验到 Gideon:And when it does... 当那发生的时候…… there's only three faction you need to know. 你只需要知道3件事情: You did what you had to do... 你做了因为你必须做的…… and a lot of good people are alive because of what you did. 另外,很多好人因为你的所为而活下来。 Reid:What's the three? 第三呢? Gideon:I'm proud of you. 我为你感到骄傲。
我是来刷贴的 长经验洒家也来试试8张5分妥妥的小黑镇场就快完了凑数经验到 Gideon:And when it does... 当那发生的时候…… there's only three faction you need to know. 你只需要知道3件事情: You did what you had to do... 你做了因为你必须做的…… and a lot of good people are alive because of what you did. 另外,很多好人因为你的所为而活下来。 Reid:What's the three? 第三呢? Gideon:I'm proud of you. 我为你感到骄傲。