One last comment, for many years I have been against the black hole concept. My long research on this subject has led me to believe that black hole singularities are unable to form in nature and in fact that the evidence is contrary to their existence. In particular we now know enough about our own galactic core that we can conclude that the core is not a black hole, but rather a supermassive dense star. This evidence has been discussed in another posting ( I share the opinion of MIT professor Phillip Morrison that black holes “only exist in the minds of physicists and astrophysicists”. As a result, as you may note above I have used the theoretically neutral phrase “galactic core” in referring to Sgr A*. Calculations which are presented in my bookSubquantum Kinetics (4th ed.) estimate that the core has a radius of ~0.1 AU. This happens to be very close to what standard physics proclaims is the black hole event horizon radius for Sgr A* which is 0.09 AU. So, the energy release calculations I have made above jive quite closely with what physicists estimate would be the energy released by matter falling through the event horizon of a black hole. The only difference is that in conventional black hole theory only a portion of this infalling matter would release energy that would be visible to the outside world. The rest, perhaps 90% would be irretreivably lost into the supposed black hole. But as I stated earlier, this whole black hole idea is an immense fiction.