Of all the season, which is your favourite?
Season 5 is really my favourite for one simple reason - we jumped forward 3 years and now finally the characters evolved. In previous years it could be very frustrating for me and others, because we had the sensation always of spinning the same tale. For example, we filmed an episode or something where Arthur was himself or affected by a situation. At the end of the episode, it seemed like he grew up and wouldn't make the same mistakes again. However, in the next episode, it was as if the these things never happened and Arthur once again acted like an idiot. It made me upset!
Did the end of the show live up to your hopes/expectations?
Absolutely. I always thought the show should end with a long conversation between Merlin and Arthur. A face to face where they'd talk about everything on their hearts and all secrets would finally be revealed. The last episode is like that. Colin and I were able to play all the nuances of the relationship between these two men that are the best friends in the world despite their differences. These scenes have been very emotional for me and it was a way for me to say goodbye to Colin. I love this guy, even though I made fun of him and even hit him on set all the time! [laughs]
Your relations resembled those that existed between Arthur and Merlin?
During the first season, I did not understand his humour. Colin is very sarcastic. Then I discoverd that he's really funny, the humor very particular, very different from my other friends. He really is a good guy. Exactly as Arthur and Merlin and we became inseperable on the set.
You're about to depart with a whole bunch of friends with the show ending. Isn't that a little sad?