The former Desperate Housewives star will anchor Fox's Boomerang, a pilot from producer John Wells that centers on a family business... of professionally assassinations.
Huffman will portray this unusual family's matriarch, a woman named Margie Hamilton who is adept at both cooking dinner for her children and murdering a suspected terrorist with the squeeze of a trigger.The role marks Huffman's first since Desperate Housewives said goodbye last May. As you might imagine, she was one of this pilot season's most sought-after actresses.
Huffman will portray this unusual family's matriarch, a woman named Margie Hamilton who is adept at both cooking dinner for her children and murdering a suspected terrorist with the squeeze of a trigger.The role marks Huffman's first since Desperate Housewives said goodbye last May. As you might imagine, she was one of this pilot season's most sought-after actresses.