Cartoon posted these pencils (below) for other, earlier Tom & Jerry opening title cards. A version of the one on the right can be seen at the begining of THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS (1941), minus those rings in the center. Were these titles painted and used at the begining of the early forties TOM & JERRY'S? No film footage has been found as of yet - but it proves that what we see today are not the original opening titles. 【这不是翻译!这是tom and jerry的两种片头草稿,在第二集【原版】中就出现了图2这种片头。其实一开始,汉纳·巴伯拉 想用图一作为片头,但是最后又改成了图2这种,并且在第二集中出现了。(我们可以看到,在作废的图一片头上“tom”,“jerry”都被打了叉号。】
Cartoon posted these pencils (below) for other, earlier Tom & Jerry opening title cards. A version of the one on the right can be seen at the begining of THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS (1941), minus those rings in the center. Were these titles painted and used at the begining of the early forties TOM & JERRY'S? No film footage has been found as of yet - but it proves that what we see today are not the original opening titles. 【这不是翻译!这是tom and jerry的两种片头草稿,在第二集【原版】中就出现了图2这种片头。其实一开始,汉纳·巴伯拉 想用图一作为片头,但是最后又改成了图2这种,并且在第二集中出现了。(我们可以看到,在作废的图一片头上“tom”,“jerry”都被打了叉号。】