AdamLambert(@Lambertblog) Ladies and gentlemen, I am so happy to announce that I am officially on Wechat now! Add me at【fanstang_adamlambert】or scan the QR code to chat with me! 女士们先生们,我很高兴宣布我有微信了!添加我的微信号【fanstang_adamlambert】或者在背景上扫描我的二维码来和我一起聊天吧!
语音-What's up,China? I am so excited to be on wechat. And@#﹉&*..?to speak right now. What's out! I might seen for you. ====中国你好吗?我登陆了微信真是炒鸡鸡冻。而且现在@#﹉&*..?说话。外面怎么样【??这是想说你能看到中国了?】!我看不见你但我假装能看见你【就好像我能看到你了/我好像看到你了。 这句语法比较复杂不会翻译T^T】。