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Rockets player representative Toney Douglas said he would wait until the players’ association meeting next week before drawing any conclusions or making any recommendation to his teammates about replacing union executive director Billy Hunter.
Hunter was given a paid leave of absence, following an audit of the union’s business practices.
“Until that meeting and we talk about things, it’s up in the air,” Douglas said. “That’s a big, important meeting. The union is all about the players. Obviously, he’ll talk to us. We’ll see how that goes. I can’t speak for everybody. We haven’t had a (team) meeting yet.”

1楼2013-02-08 20:37回复
    火箭球员代表汤尼。道格拉斯说他必须等下星期的球员协会开会后,才能下结论向队友报告关於是否要取代联盟球员工会总干事Billy Hunter一事。 Billy Hunter在工会行政被调查后,目前处於停薪留职的状况。
    “在这个会议之前,我们对状况并不了解”道格拉斯说。“这是个非常重要的会议,工会是为球员谋福利的组织。他肯定会向我们报告,我们才能了解现状。 我无法为其他球员发言,我们球队还没有为这件事情开会讨论。”

    3楼2013-02-08 21:37