Maledictosuchus riclaensis ,侏罗纪中期,被发现於西班牙
Re-description of a long-known, but little
studied, metriorhynchid crocodylomorph from the Oxfordian of England begins to
help fill the ‘Corallian Gap’. This ‘Gap’ represents a paucity of vertebrate
remains from the Oxfordian of England. Filling the ‘Corallian Gap’ has
important implications for our understanding of metriorhynchids from England,
especially as there was a shift in this ecosystem from being metriorhynchine
dominated in the older Oxford Clay Formation, to a geosaurine-dominated fauna
in the younger Kimmeridge Clay Formation. The re-description of the specimen
reveals that it is a member of the derived subclade Geosaurini, which most
likely pertains to the genus Torvoneustes.