满足Entrepreneurs relief的条件(10% CGT,单独计算):
1) 处置“Whole or part of a business” 非单个资产 – (不包括Share和Securities)
l Business is owned by individuals;
l 截止出售时点,出售人拥有Business至少一年(而不管出售的资产持有多久)
2) 处置“One or more assets in use for the purposes of a business at the time of cease”- (不包括Share和Securities)
l 出售的资产必须是For Business Purpose的,而不是为了卖而持有的;
l 截止出售时点,出售人拥有Business至少一年(而不管出售的资产持有多久)
l 停止营业的时间必须在资产出售前三年以内
3) 处置“Shares or Securities of a company” (练习册22题)
l 该公司是个Trading Company;
l 持5%以上的ordinary shares and voting rights;.
l 曾是该公司的Director或者Employee.
l 截止出售时点,以上三点必须同时满足超过一年的时间。