冷血天堂吧 关注:235贴子:1,473
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1楼2012-11-08 14:52回复
    太攀蛇属Oxyuranus是一类产于澳洲和巴布亚新几内亚的眼镜蛇科大型毒蛇,其下包括三个种:沿海太攀蛇Oxyuranus scutellatus,内陆太攀蛇Oxyuranus microlepidotus和中陆太攀蛇Oxyuranus temporalis。这个属的毒蛇拥有较长的毒牙,行动迅速,主要以啮齿类和小型有袋目等温血动物为食,毒液毒性很强,是一类危险性较高的毒蛇。
    沿海太攀蛇英文名costal taipan,这种巨大的毒蛇体长可达3.3米,是澳洲最长的毒蛇,鉴定特征为体鳞21-23列,脊鳞220-250枚,尾下鳞双列,45-80枚,肛鳞单枚,鳞式为2+3(3+4)。其中指名亚种Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus产于澳大利亚北领地,昆士兰北部和西澳东北部,新几内亚亚种Oxyuranus scutellatus canni产于巴布亚新几内亚的南部沿海。沿海太攀蛇喜栖息于热带沿海的林地和高草地,也常出没于牧场,甘蔗田和垃圾堆等处搜寻猎物,常藏身于朽木,枯枝落叶堆和其他动物的洞穴中;昼行性,在正午时分最为活跃,在温暖的夜晚也会外出猎食,猎物包括啮齿类和袋狸等小型有袋类,和多种澳洲本土鸟类。捕猎时,沿海太攀蛇会昂起头部在地面快速移动,利用优秀的视力搜寻猎物;在发现目标之后,它会先停下来判断目标的位置,然后猛地向前弹出,快速的连续猛咬猎物数口并迅速退开,这种策略能够有效的避免沿海太攀蛇自身因为猎物反击而受伤。沿海太攀蛇和非洲的黑曼巴蛇趋同进化,在结构和习性的许多方面都非常相似;由于其极强的毒性和巨大的排毒量(LD50为0-106-0.12mg/kg,在陆生毒蛇中排行第三,单次咬物平均排毒量120mg,最多可达400mg),较为主动大胆的习性(和眼镜王蛇一样,沿海太攀蛇有很强的领地观念,大个体成蛇甚至会主动跟踪进入自己地盘的人类),迅速灵活的反应速度和协调性,受惊后连续快速噬咬敌手的习性(曾经有连续咬受害者7口的案例)以及靠近人类居所搜寻啮齿类的习惯,沿海太攀蛇是一种危险性较高,在澳洲造成蛇伤较多的毒蛇。



    2楼2012-11-08 16:22
      An Ergon Energy employee died almost instantly after being bitten by a deadly snake while out on a job in central Queensland.
      Yeppoon crew leader Andrew Vaughan was working his way through dense bushland on Friday with a backhoe operator trying to beat a path to a pole that needed maintenance work.
      During the work, Mr Vaughan lost contact with the crew, who raised the alarm as soon as they realised, according to an internal email sent out to Ergon Energy staff by operations executive general manager Peter Billing, who called the death "tragic".
      Mr Vaughan was already dead by the time he was found after a huge search by the police, SES volunteers and Ergon Energy employees.
      It has been confirmed by Ergon Energy he died from a Taipan snake bite.
      "His death is a shock to us all and the organisation continues to support his family and workmates," Mr Billing wrote in the email.
      "We are staying in contact with Andrew's wife and family and offer our continuing support.
      "His workmates have also received support and counselling."
      Workplace Health and Safety Queensland has launched an investigation into the death and Ergon Energy is having their own internal investigation.
      Mr Vaughan's funeral will be held this Friday at Yeppoon.
      "The incident is a reminder to us all of the potential dangers our people in the field face every day while undertaking their job," Mr Billing wrote.
      "The Taipan is regarded as Australia's most dangerous species of snake.
      "I urge you to treat all snakes as venomous and ensure you consider your surroundings and any potential hazards."
      Taipans can grow to 3 metres long and are usually found in canefields feasting on rats.

      3楼2012-11-08 16:27

        7楼2012-11-08 17:17

          IP属地:云南来自Android客户端8楼2012-11-08 17:19

            9楼2012-11-08 19:46