1、垂悬结构不定式。To make friends, honesty is important.句中不定式短语To make friends 的主语应该是人,而主句的主语是honesty,两者不一致,构成了垂悬结构。有三种改正方法:(1) 将不定式短语改成相应的状语从句,可更正为:If onewants to make friends, honesty is important. (2) 对主句做必要改动,使句子的主语与不定式短语的逻辑主语一致,可更正为:To make friends, one must be honest. (3) 给不定式短语加上自己的逻辑主语,可更正为:For one to make friends, honestyis important.考试大-全国最大教育类网站(www.Examda。com)
2、垂悬结构分词。Spreading to the left, he jumped downfrom the armchair. 根据此句话的意思,分词短语的隐含逻辑主语应该是the fire,而句子的主语是he,两者不一致,构成了垂悬结构。有两种改正方法:(1)给分词短语带上一个自己的逻辑主语,使之成为一个独立主格结构,可更正为,The firespreading to the left, he jumped down from the armchair. (2)将分词短语改成相应的状语从句,可更正为:As/ When the firespread to the left, he jumped down from the armchair.
3、垂悬结构动名词。In running down the stairs, the clockstruck twelve. 根据此句话的意思,句中“介词+动名词”这种介词词组在句中作状语,动名词短语running down the stairs 的逻辑主语应该是人,而句子的主语是the clock,两者不一致,构成了垂悬结构。有两种改正方法:(1)对主句做必要改动,使句子的主语与动名词短语的逻辑主语一致,可更正为:Inrunning down the stairs, I heard the clock struck twelve. (2) 给动名词短语加上自己的逻辑主语,可更正为:In my runningdown the stairs, the clock struck twelve.
4、垂悬结构介词短语。A t the age of ten, my father beganto teach me Japanese.根据句子的正常意思,应该是我10岁的时候,而不是父亲10 岁的时候,故at the age of ten 的逻辑主语应该是I , 而主句的主语是my father, 构成了垂悬结构。需将介词短语改成相应的状语从句,可更正为:When Iwas ten years old, my father began to teach me Japanese.
1、垂悬结构不定式。To make friends, honesty is important.句中不定式短语To make friends 的主语应该是人,而主句的主语是honesty,两者不一致,构成了垂悬结构。有三种改正方法:(1) 将不定式短语改成相应的状语从句,可更正为:If onewants to make friends, honesty is important. (2) 对主句做必要改动,使句子的主语与不定式短语的逻辑主语一致,可更正为:To make friends, one must be honest. (3) 给不定式短语加上自己的逻辑主语,可更正为:For one to make friends, honestyis important.考试大-全国最大教育类网站(www.Examda。com)
2、垂悬结构分词。Spreading to the left, he jumped downfrom the armchair. 根据此句话的意思,分词短语的隐含逻辑主语应该是the fire,而句子的主语是he,两者不一致,构成了垂悬结构。有两种改正方法:(1)给分词短语带上一个自己的逻辑主语,使之成为一个独立主格结构,可更正为,The firespreading to the left, he jumped down from the armchair. (2)将分词短语改成相应的状语从句,可更正为:As/ When the firespread to the left, he jumped down from the armchair.
3、垂悬结构动名词。In running down the stairs, the clockstruck twelve. 根据此句话的意思,句中“介词+动名词”这种介词词组在句中作状语,动名词短语running down the stairs 的逻辑主语应该是人,而句子的主语是the clock,两者不一致,构成了垂悬结构。有两种改正方法:(1)对主句做必要改动,使句子的主语与动名词短语的逻辑主语一致,可更正为:Inrunning down the stairs, I heard the clock struck twelve. (2) 给动名词短语加上自己的逻辑主语,可更正为:In my runningdown the stairs, the clock struck twelve.
4、垂悬结构介词短语。A t the age of ten, my father beganto teach me Japanese.根据句子的正常意思,应该是我10岁的时候,而不是父亲10 岁的时候,故at the age of ten 的逻辑主语应该是I , 而主句的主语是my father, 构成了垂悬结构。需将介词短语改成相应的状语从句,可更正为:When Iwas ten years old, my father began to teach me Japanese.