生产的食用菌品种包括杏鲍菇,白灵菇,金针菇,秀珍菇等品种。 Production of edible mushroom species include Pleurotus eryngii, Pleurotus nebrodensis, Flammulina, Pleurotus geesteranus such varieties.
但二者的氨基酸比值系数分值不高,表明白灵茹蛋白质菇氨基酸在均衡性方面尚存不足。 The SRC of both fruit body and mycelium were not high, so the amino acid balance of this type of mushroom had some shortage on nutritional balance.
华北最大蘑菇种植基地,品种多样,保证供货质量,主营金针菇,杏鲍菇,鸡腿菇,平菇,白灵菇。 Mushroom plant in North China's largest base, species diversity, and ensure the quality of suppliers, Main Flammulina, Pleurotus, Coprinus comatus, Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus nebrodensis.