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董方卓上了【ESPN】足球版头条 有图有J8


1楼2012-08-25 21:41回复

    2楼2012-08-25 21:42

      3楼2012-08-25 21:42

        4楼2012-08-25 21:48
          ESPN今天的发布报道,标题:The curious case of Dong Fangzhuo (返老还童:董方卓)

          5楼2012-08-25 21:51

            6楼2012-08-25 21:52

              IP属地:湖南7楼2012-08-25 22:03
                记者:Shinji Kagawa was asked about other Asian players who had gone before him to Old Trafford
                记者 :香川真司你说说曾经在老特拉福德球场上的亚洲球员吧
                香川真司 :The first answer was textbook. Park Ji-Sung? "The best Asian player ever, without a doubt," the Japanese star enthused. "Watching him always gave me more motivation."
                香川真司:朴智星是“亚洲最好的球员,毫无疑问,” “他总能给我更多的动力,他就像我的教科书一样。”
                记者:Dong Fangzhuo?
                香川真司: "Sorry, I don't know who that is."
                香川真司: “对不起,我不知道他是谁."
                不知道董方卓看了是什么感想 ???

                8楼2012-08-25 22:17
                  Dong Fangzhuo left Man Utd in 2008
                  Football can be cruel. Dong's story is a cautionary tale of how a teenager from the East, full of hopes and dreams, joined one of the biggest clubs in the world in 2004 only to find himself playing in Armenia in 2011 after years of not really playing at all. With media in Asia linking Manchester City to a number of youngsters in recent weeks - teenage Japanese striker Kosuke Kinoshita is reportedly set to sign, UAE midfielder Omar Abdulrahman has had a trial and young Korean left-back Yoon Suk-Young has been linked to the club - it is perhaps a tale that needs to be told again. It was not Dong's doing. What 18-year-old would easily resist the call of Sir Alex Ferguson? There were also rumours of interest from Inter Milan and Real Madrid. Even in China, few knew about the striker from Dalian - he had played just a handful of games in the country's top flight. This was January 2004 when the country had just appeared in its first World Cup and was about to reach the final of the Asian Cup. There were wild stories of 600 million people staying up late to watch Everton take on Manchester City in 2003 because Li Tie and Sun Jihai were wearing the respective shades of blue. When it comes to exaggeration of figures it ranks up there with United's recent claim to have a similar number of fans around the world but one thing could not be disputed -a Chinese player starring for Manchester United would be huge. It was unfortunate for Dong that he was seen as 'The One' both in China and at Old Trafford. "I am just going there to do my best," Dong said as he signed a deal worth £500,000 that could have risen to £3.5 million. "I know it will not be easy but I am ready for the challenge." There was no way he was ever going to walk into Sir Alex Ferguson's first team - for a start, he didn't have a work permit. To get around that, he was dispatched to United's feeder club, Royal Antwerp in Belgium. In a city known for diamonds, Dong started to shine with 34 goals in 67 appearances. It was often overlooked that he was in the Belgian second division for all but a handful of games but, even so, it was not a bad return for a teenager having his first taste of Europe. Anticipation was growing back home, fuelled by comments from Manchester."Dong qualifies for his European passport in December and that is good news for us," Ferguson said in July 2006. "He has played four times for China already, so clearly he has a lot of potential. He has the speed and physicality and his technique is improving all the time." It was music to the ears of the Chinese media. When Dong landed in Manchester at the end of 2006, the countdown to his debut started. They had to wait until May 2007 and the first sight of a Chinese Red Devil was a bizarre one as he emerged on to the pitch to receive the guard of honour from the likes of John Terry and Michael Essien at Stamford Bridge. United had already won the championship and were preparing for the FA Cup final. The Chinese star was one of a number of unfamiliar faces in the line-up for a meaningless game. After that poor 0-0 draw, he never appeared again in the league and started just one more match - in the League Cup in September 2007. His third and final appearance was in December as he came off the bench in a Champions League game against Roma, again a meaningless one with United already through to the next stage. For the rest of his time at the club, Chinese newspapers were reduced to reporting on reserve matches. In August 2008, without a squad number and any hope of making it at the club, Dong's contract was cancelled and he returned to Dalian. It wasn't a happy homecoming. Shorn of self-belief and showing little of the speed that Ferguson had talked of, Dong scored one goal in almost two seasons as he struggled to live up to the expectations in his homeland that came with being a former Manchester United player and he also lost his spot in the national team. In 2010, he returned to Europe for a second attempt but his spell at Legia Warsaw lasted four games and a move to Portuguese club Portimonense - the player was reportedly recommended by Cristiano Ronaldo - was no better.

                  9楼2012-08-25 22:19
                    The striker had landed back in China to rebuild his career
                    Then it was FC Mika in Armenia in 2011 and then back to China in 2012, this time in the second division with Hunan. "I am back home," Dong said in March. "But my return to China doesn't mean that I am incapable of playing abroad." He's right. What he got wrong was joining a club that was out of his league. His career has yet to recover from his time spent at Old Trafford and the playing time he never had - though as he is still 27 and nothing if not feisty - he recently served a six-match suspension for making an obscene gesture at fans - there is still time. For young players, encouraged by excitable local media that love nothing more than moves to big clubs, the lure of the English champions is hard to resist. If the likes of Adbulrahman, Yoon and Kinoshita really do get a chance to move to a club like Manchester City, they should think very seriously and then refuse. At a time in their careers when they need to be playing, there is little benefit, apart from the initial exposure, to be had from joining clubs that can, and do, buy almost any player they want. Dong Fangzhuo will always be remembered by Manchester United fans as a player who just wasn't good enough to play for the club. Many others could say the same but, in Dong's case, he is still paying the price. His legacy in terms of Asian football could be more positive if it helps others to avoid the same fate.

                    10楼2012-08-25 22:19
                      足球是残酷的。东的故事是一个警世故事,如何在2004年加入世界上最大的俱乐部之一,从东,充满希望和梦想,一个十几岁才发现自己玩多年没有真正打在亚美尼亚在2011年以后。媒体在亚洲,连接曼彻斯特市一些青少年在最近几个星期 - 十几岁的日本前锋耿介据报道,木下的签署,阿联酋中场球员奥马尔·阿卜杜拉赫曼试验和韩国年轻左后卫尹淑青年已链接到俱乐部 - 这或许是一个故事,需要再次被告知。
                      它不是东的做。 18岁的会轻易抵抗弗格森的召唤吗?也有传闻国际米兰队和皇家马德里的兴趣。即使在中国,很少有人知道来自大连的前锋 - 他扮演的只是少数人的游戏在国内的顶级联赛。
                      “我只是尽我所能去那里,”董说,他签署了一项协议,价值£500,000可能上升到3500000英镑的。 “我知道这并不容易,但我准备好迎接挑战。”
                      有没有办法,他会走进弗格森的第一团队 - 一开始,他没有工作许可证。为了解决这个问题,他被派往美国的饲养者俱乐部,在比利时皇家安特卫普。董在一个城市的钻石,闪耀着34个进球,在67次出场。它经常被忽视的是,他在比利时乙级联赛是为所有,但几场比赛,但即使是这样,一个十几岁的他第一次领略到欧洲,它不是一个不错的回报。
                      预测的回了家,由于来自曼彻斯特的意见。“董符合他的欧洲护照在12月,这对我们来说是个好消息,”弗格森说,2006年7月。 “他已经打了4倍,中国已,所以很显然,他有很大的潜力,他的速度和身体素质,他的技术是改善所有的时间。”
                      那个可怜的0比0战平后,他从来没有再次出现在联赛中,一开始只是更多的比赛 - 2007年9月的联赛杯。他的第三个和最后的出现是在12月,他来替补出场的欧洲冠军联赛对罗马的比赛中,又是一个无意义的一个与联合国已经通过到下一个阶段。
                      对于剩下的时间在俱乐部,中国的报纸都减少了储备的比赛报告。 2008年8月,在俱乐部球衣号码没有任何希望,董的合同被取消,他回到大连。
                      这是不是一个快乐的回家的。被剥夺了自我的信念和几乎没有的速度,弗格森谈过,东近两个赛季中打进一球,他挣扎着生活的期望是前曼联球员在他的家乡,来到他也失去了他在国家队的点。 2010年,他回到了欧洲的第二次尝试,但他的咒语在华沙莱吉亚持续4游戏和移动葡萄牙俱乐部Portimonense, - 据报道,建议玩家克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多 - 没有更好的。
                      然后,它是FC米卡在亚美尼亚在2011年,然后在2012年回到中国,这一次与湖南在德乙。 “我回了家,”董说,在3月。 “不过,我回到中国不意味着我不能出国踢球。”他是正确的。他得到了什么错误,加入一个俱乐部,这是他的同盟。他的职业生涯还没有恢复他的时间花费在老特拉福德的上场时间,他从来没有 - ,但因为他仍然是27,如果没有什么争强好胜 - 他最近担任六禁赛,在球迷一个猥亵的手势 - 还有时间。

                      11楼2012-08-25 22:21