Crazy Minesweeper同样为共享软件,不注册不能保存扫雷英雄榜

●How to Play
Click any square on the playing field to start the timer. To uncover a square, use the left mouse button to click it. If it is a mine, you lose. If a number appears on the square, it specifies the summarized power of all mines in eight squares that surround the numbered square. If the square is replaced by a blank, there are no mines in the surrounding eight squares.
The power of mines:
Image Power
To mark a square you suspect contains a 1-power mine, use the right mouse button to click it. Click once more to mark 2-power mine. And to mark 3-power mine just click three times. (In the Classic mode only 1-power mines are present.) The object of the game is to find all the mines on the playing field as quickly as possible without uncovering any of them. Note: To win in the Classic mode you need to open all free cells, but in the Crazy mode you need to mark all mines.

●How to Play
Click any square on the playing field to start the timer. To uncover a square, use the left mouse button to click it. If it is a mine, you lose. If a number appears on the square, it specifies the summarized power of all mines in eight squares that surround the numbered square. If the square is replaced by a blank, there are no mines in the surrounding eight squares.
The power of mines:
Image Power

To mark a square you suspect contains a 1-power mine, use the right mouse button to click it. Click once more to mark 2-power mine. And to mark 3-power mine just click three times. (In the Classic mode only 1-power mines are present.) The object of the game is to find all the mines on the playing field as quickly as possible without uncovering any of them. Note: To win in the Classic mode you need to open all free cells, but in the Crazy mode you need to mark all mines.