步若阿玉 Ayumi hamasaki 一朵花飘落的雨滴 Ayumi hamasaki 用风去聆听你的气息 Ayumi hamasaki 感受倾情演奏的美丽四季 最爱步言而谕的你自己, 在乎你泪眸眼神里。 雾都亦有你的身影, 背姿纯真的物语, 舞动的奇迹, 亚洲日本的常胜将军, 名副其实的第一, 世界的风景, 超越下一步自信的画笔, 自由自在的滨崎, 残酷的压力打不倒(垮)坚强的你, 你的豪迈毅力, 带来无尽欢乐并给予我们勇气, 走下去, 敢于对其说不行, 不逃避, 一鼓作气, 我们向你致意, 愿你来到我们这里, 再次演绎最动人的声音, 歌曲服装出其不意, 时尚风标层出不已, 卖力扎实的演唱功底, 共享最动感的旋律, 拍摄最华丽的MV。 Ayumi hamasaki part of why to me Ayumi hamasaki Because of you&me Ayumi hamasaki My all Love Song for key To xx away who this is love ballad you were Blossom there depend on you we will evolution on last angel together when about you appears voyage don't look back surreal fairyland nothing of duty vogue trauma carols greatful rainbow always in rainday after hopo microphone to in moon Momentum and moments beloved boys&girls on every something days walking proud your secret progress M sweet seaaons next level happening here end roll have a Heaven jewel crossroad L Five I like is blue bird She can Fly high step you I am party queen My name is women in how beautiful you are Play a Game the over!