1.she annnouced that she would choose for her husband that one she thought could best speak for themself. 这里的speak for themself怎么翻译啊
2.so these two prepared themselves a full week for the wooing---------this was the longest time that could be granted them! 此处的that could be granted them怎么翻译
3.英语口语里的“my word”怎么翻 不是world 是word
4.there is a old man ,who had 2sons ,which 2 young men thought themselves too clever by half ...最后的by half怎么翻呀
5.and this report we have staright from newspaper of the head clerk-but it is not to be depended upon! 这句话怎么翻
这些句子来自安徒生的 Jack the Dullard 为什么翻译成笨汉汉斯呢
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2.so these two prepared themselves a full week for the wooing---------this was the longest time that could be granted them! 此处的that could be granted them怎么翻译
3.英语口语里的“my word”怎么翻 不是world 是word
4.there is a old man ,who had 2sons ,which 2 young men thought themselves too clever by half ...最后的by half怎么翻呀
5.and this report we have staright from newspaper of the head clerk-but it is not to be depended upon! 这句话怎么翻
这些句子来自安徒生的 Jack the Dullard 为什么翻译成笨汉汉斯呢
问题有点多 求解答