(以下部分是贴过来的 我会附上简单的翻译)
I love wearing this outfit of Lightning I made, it's much more comfortable than the armor:D
I worked on it slowly for months, a lot of hand painting done on the gloves and the skirt.
I used no patterns, I looked at bags I owned to make the leg bag. Some of the bag is hand sewn, ugh it was a pain!
The pauldron is made out of craft foam and I used shoe lace LED lights.
The arm straps are also made out of craft foam.
I finally got a new wig, I miss the old one I used for Lightning XIII-2. I think this new one I styled it better and it has a nice color to it~
The boots I cut and added leather for the sides which I hand painted brown and tan.
I'll post more description soon if it's necessary.
YuuriC 很喜欢自己做的这套装备,与铠甲系的相较来说,它更为轻便。
肩甲是用泡沫板做的 (不知道是不是EVA 我猜是的) 然后用鞋带固定住(貌似是的)
最后她又重新买了一顶假毛 亲自打理出来 她很喜欢自己定的这个型还有假毛的颜色
靴子也是她自己买了皮革做的 (感觉这个好强大 有木有)