朴总吧 关注:8,034贴子:284,760




46楼2012-07-19 00:55

    47楼2012-07-19 01:02
      下面有个比较重要的关于SDA投票方面的链接: Duam、FB注册、密码重置、投票、各种疑问解答集中→( http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1727751510 ),希望爱有天的亲能帮忙宣传宣传,,有天,只有我们米饭了,大家应该同心协力共同为有天投票啊,,,泪奔……

      来自手机贴吧48楼2012-07-19 02:13

        49楼2012-07-19 10:25
          This is XXX, a representative of Yoochun's international fanclub. I am writing you this letter because you were criticizing some of our members for voting only for YC. How could you judge people only by several words and assume them as rumor-monger or sasaeng?! In the meantime, you were posting the information which implies the scandal between Yoochun and Jimin. It is really impolite. If you like them, please show your respect to their performances and lives. I admit that the outstanding actor and actress may come from the same drama, but who knows… we’ll see the results in 3 weeks, right? If you notice the statistics last year, you should know that JKS had a slightly higher rate than PYC, but YC won the award due to the 30% vote from the buyers. Please be aware that this is a competition and everyone has the right to choose the best one from their stand point. You don’t have to vote for YC, but please don’t force YC fans to make any decision.
          Let me know if you have any question. Thanks.
          Sorry if I said harsh words my emotions too over me. Well I love YC so much too. From what I can see most of the YC fans are spreading rumors , I know you've read about it.
          We are not forcing anyone. I'm talking to the RP TEAM.
          And what scandal are you talking about ?
          Is that already a scandal between HJM and YC? Those are news and interviews. It's all true and YC said those words. We know that HJM is a big sister to YC, we know that clearly. but u can't blame us Rp supporters. we love them both. And I posted those interviews for the RP supporters. to motivate them. I didn't meant to be impolite.
          We just want those YC fans to stop spreading the rumor that only one can win the same drama.
          That's all we are saying for them to stop.
          about the sasaengs, I'm so sorry about that I just hate the post of that person cause he/she is spreading the rumor. Not just once but many times. even though we are pleasing him/her to stop spreading that. He/she just won't .
          And please don't tell me not to vote for YC cause I can't do that. As what I've said before WE love YC and HJM fair and square.
          We'll vote for them till the end.
          even after 300 years we will love and support them.
          Thanks for the reply.
          A couple items to note:
          1. I’m not telling you whom you should not vote for. It is none of my business and all depends on you.
          2. We did contact with some of the YC fans. I can guarantee that they are not sasaengs. As to the question of whether YC and JM could both win the outstanding awards or not, I admit that it is not appropriate and should not be posted. Well, each organization needs diversity, and this is not an ideal world, how could we know there isn’t any policy behind? I know it is hard for you to understand and I am not trying to convince you. What I can tell is that YC needs to be way ahead of the other nominees in order to win for this year. That’s the reason YC fans need to concentrate on him only. I don’t see any bad intention from those posts and they are marked as for YC fans. Actually I think RP audience and Gak-Ha Couple fans will not be influenced by these words and will keep voting for both of them, so is some YC fans. I can’t understand why you hate them and think they are crazy sasaengs. Anyway, we will try our best to inform YC fans not to post this kind of messages.
          3. For the interviews, there are lots of contents talking about their acting skills, team work, and future goals etc, why did you just highlight YC’s comments on JM? Correct me if I am wrong, this is best performing award not best couple award, right? Are you sure those comments you reproduced useful? Personally, I don’t care about gossips at all, I wish YC’s efforts and talents will be recognized by the public. I feel sad you just ignore their acting skills and focus on something else.
          4. As YC fans, we appreciate the Rooftop Prince crew and have expressed our love and support to all of them during the filming of the drama. We love Sungkyunkwan Scandal and Miss Ripley as well. RP is the most precious gift for us this spring, but it is not the end. YC will have a brighter future as an actor!

          50楼2012-07-19 10:31

            来自手机贴吧52楼2012-07-19 11:54

              @墨墨空 第一次裱人,看到你说的话很气愤,刷不刷票自己去看证据,米吧有证据贴,别睁眼说瞎话,污蔑米饭!!

              53楼2012-07-19 12:08
                这是烦死了,见缝插针投个票容易嘛,上去就看到 CP饭刷屏。

                54楼2012-07-19 12:09

                  55楼2012-07-19 12:09


                    57楼2012-07-19 12:33
                      @朴总笼罩全宇宙 我现在说话不方便,一直在外面,等明天回家再说吧。

                      来自手机贴吧59楼2012-07-19 17:27


                        60楼2012-07-20 13:18

                          62楼2012-07-21 14:40

                            来自手机贴吧63楼2012-07-21 18:40

                              64楼2012-07-21 22:05