你走之后,我把便签一条一条从墙上撕下来,很多祝福,很多誓言,很多祈祷,在这一刻粉碎、、、 You go, I am one of the notes one torn from the wall, many blessings, many vows,prayers, crushed at this moment,
真正的伤口并不是那种轻轻一裂就可以看见血流的,而是外表看起来完好无损,却在内部,慢慢的腐蚀,看不见,还隐隐作痛··· Real wound is not the kind of gently a crack you can see the blood, but looks intact, butinternal corrosion slowly, unseen, yet an aching • • •
托着疲惫的步伐一步一步挪向门外的校车,,刺耳的喇叭震得耳朵有些疼痛、、、 Resting his weary pace, step by step, move to the outside of the school bus, a blare of trumpets shook the ears of some pain,