“网页制作三剑客”之一的Fireworks CS3新的Beta3版本已经到来!测试人员可以通过官方测试版平台下载到2月9日发布的新的Beta3版本,同时也是最后一个测试版本,看来CS3系列 is coming soon!
Fireworks测试小组已经通过邮件通知测试人员"New Fireworks Beta 3 (Win & Mac) Builds available for Download ", 测试小组在邮件中提到"这个测试版本将是Fireworks正式发布前的最后一个pre-release(1162), 即预发行版本". 同时, 测试小组人员希望测试人员尽快将所有的Bug报告上报.(此前已经报道过, 该项目组最后会根据测试人员上报的Bug数量与质量排名,名列前茅的测试人员会奖励iPod哦). 相关测试人员可以通过https://prerelease.adobe.com/login.html登陆下载相关资源.
The Fireworks team has posted the pre-release (1162) which will be the last build the team will be releasing to the Fireworks Beta Prerelease Program. At this stage, we are asking you to report any critical bugs such as a fatal crash with Fireworks. Enhancement Requests will un-fortunately be deferred until the next release. We really appreciate the time and effort spent in making Fireworks be the best it can be.
Fireworks测试小组已经通过邮件通知测试人员"New Fireworks Beta 3 (Win & Mac) Builds available for Download ", 测试小组在邮件中提到"这个测试版本将是Fireworks正式发布前的最后一个pre-release(1162), 即预发行版本". 同时, 测试小组人员希望测试人员尽快将所有的Bug报告上报.(此前已经报道过, 该项目组最后会根据测试人员上报的Bug数量与质量排名,名列前茅的测试人员会奖励iPod哦). 相关测试人员可以通过https://prerelease.adobe.com/login.html登陆下载相关资源.
The Fireworks team has posted the pre-release (1162) which will be the last build the team will be releasing to the Fireworks Beta Prerelease Program. At this stage, we are asking you to report any critical bugs such as a fatal crash with Fireworks. Enhancement Requests will un-fortunately be deferred until the next release. We really appreciate the time and effort spent in making Fireworks be the best it can be.