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IP属地:天津1楼2012-06-13 22:28回复
    The tone of a poem refers to the implied attitude of the author toward his theme or his subject.
    Affectionate/hostile, sincere/ironic, earnest/playful, approving/critical/sarcastic.
    It refers to a contrast or a discrepancy between what is said and what is meant or between what happens and what is expected to happen.
    In [verbal irony] characters say the opposite of what they mean.
    In [irony of circumstance or situation] the opposite of waht is expected happens.
    In [dramatic irony] a character speaks in ignorance of a situation or event known tothe audience or to other characters.
    In [cosmic irony] the character's aspiration runs against the treatment he receives at the hand of fate.

    IP属地:天津2楼2012-06-13 22:37

      3楼2012-06-13 22:39
        [Concrete and general]
        [Formal and informal]
        [Denotation and connotation]
        Denotation is the world's dictionary definition and connotation is its suggestions and associations.

        IP属地:天津4楼2012-06-13 22:44
          【Figures of speech】
          A figure of speech is an expression of language which departs from the usual denotations of words.
          〖Simile and metaphor〗
          A simile is a direct comparison of two different things, usually using connectives like "as", "like" and "than".
          A metaphor is an indirect or hidden comparison of two different things, usually by equating the two or by replacing one with another.
          〖Personification and apostrophe〗
          Personification is and expression in which an object or an abstract concept is made human or endowed with animate or living qualities.
          Apostrophe is a form of personification. It is usually an address to an imaginary or absent listener that can be a person, an object or an abstract concept.
          〖Metonymy and synecdoche〗
          Metonymy is a figure of speech in which not the literal word, but one closely associated with it is used.
          Synecdoche is the use of a part to stand for the whole or vice versa.
          〖Hyperbole(overstatement) and understatement〗
          Hyperbole is a statement containing an exaggeration.
          Understatement is to state something in a restrained manner or to say less than what one really means.
          〖Paradox and pun〗
          Paradox is a statement which first strikes us as self-contradictory but on reflection makes some sense.
          Pun is a play on words, which makes one word mean two things at the same time.

          IP属地:天津5楼2012-06-13 22:59
            An image may be initially thought of as a verbal picture, an object seen, or the concrete representation of the outward form of a person.
            An image can also be what is heard or what is felt: a sound, a touch, and odour, a taste, and any bodily sensation (joy, pain, thirst, chill, itch, etc.)
            Broadly defined, an image is a word or a sequence of words which refers to any sensory experience.
            Imagery is the pattern of related images in a poem.

            IP属地:天津6楼2012-06-13 23:04
              A symbol is a special kind of image, for it exceeds the image in the richness of its connotations. It is usually a visual object or an action which suggests some further meaning in addition to itself.

              IP属地:天津7楼2012-06-13 23:08
                【Alliteration and assonance】
                Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound in a line, especially at the beginning of successive words. Alliteration may also occur within the words.It leads to repetition and music, and thus creates powerful aids to memory.
                Assonance is the repetition of the same vowel sound in a line.Again like alliteration, assonance crates music which draws attention to itself, creates emphasis and makes the particular words and phrases memorable.

                IP属地:天津8楼2012-06-13 23:12
                  Rhyme occurs when two words or phrases contain an identical or similar vowel sound, usually accented, and an identical consonant sound that follows the vowel sound.
                  It is the major sound element, which contributes to the music of poetry.
                  The rhymes in a poem will usually form a pattern called rhyme scheme.
                  [Exact rhyme and slant rhyme]
                  Exact rhyme is formed when two words or phrases have identical vowel sounds and consonant sounds.
                  Slant rhyme is formed when the vowel sound is not identical, but similar. (near/off/imperfect rhyme)
                  [End rhyme and internal rhyme]
                  End rhyme occurs at the end of a line and internal rhyme occurs within the line.
                  [Masculine rhyme and feminine rhyme]
                  Masculine rhyme is rhyme between one-syllable words or between stressed final syllables in words of two or more syllables.
                  Feminine rhyme is rhyme of the two or more syllables, with stress on a syllable other than the last.It is often used for humorous effect.

                  IP属地:天津9楼2012-06-13 23:22
                    【Rhythm and meter】
                    〖Rhythm〗 is produced by a series of recurrences: the repetition of day and nigh, the departure and return of seasons, the fall of a foot during a march, the beat of aheart and so on. It is also produced by recurrences and pauses.
                    [Stresses] occur at regular intercals in a line, alternating with unstressed syllables to form the rhythm.
                    The pattern of rhythm in a poem is called meter.
                    Each of these meters is made up of its basic units. Each unit is called a foot.
                    To make a diagram of the rhythmic pattern of a line or a poem is called scanning.

                    IP属地:天津10楼2012-06-13 23:36
                      【Types of poetry】
                      The oldest type of poetry is probably epic. They are usually about early history or the origin of a nation. Because epics relate stories about early history or a time when strong men are crucial for historical development, epics are usually about heroes and wars. The qualities most appreciated are bravery, courage and strength.
                      Ballads are usually single, spirited poems written in 4-line stanzas, in which some popular stories are vividly told. Despite the development and variations, ballads ofall times narrate stories and include such elemtnes as refrain, stock descriptive phrases, and simple, terse dialogue.
                      Pastoral is a form of escape literature concerned with country pleasures. It usuallypresents a simple, idealized country environment inhabited by shepherds and shepherdesses who are engaged in tending sheep, falling in love, and having friendly poetry contest.
                      It refers to poems written to be sung to a lyre, an ancient musical instrument with strings fixed to a U-shape frame.
                      Ode is thought to be the noblest kind of lyric. It usually celebrates worthy men and women, and notable occasions. An ode is conventionnally exalted in tone, elevated in language, charged with feeling; it often has complex stanzaic patterns and frequently apostrophes.
                      Satire is a poem which holds up to ridicule the prevailing vices and follies of atime.
                      It is a poem of lamentation for the dead, but in Greek and Latin poetry, it coulddeal with a broad variety of topics, not necessarily mourning someone's death.

                      IP属地:天津12楼2012-06-14 00:06

                        13楼2012-06-18 14:06

                          来自手机贴吧14楼2012-06-18 22:19