正规翻译粗来了: Q: If you were a girl, which BAP member would you date? Daehyun:
If I was a girl, I wouldn’t marry. Actually I would
pick Jongup, since he’s pure and gets influenced well. If you tell him
to do something, you can just hit him and he’ll do it. Himchan: Jongup wants to pick Himchan, right? 问:你是女孩的话你会和哪个成员约会? 大贤:我是女孩的话,我不会结婚(= =?)。事实上我会选钟业,因为他很纯真,家教很好。如果你叫他做什么的话,知道捶(?)他一下他就回去做。 力灿:钟业想选力灿对不对?~(捣什么乱= =你)