发信人: G99991 (99991), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: Re: 跟着方舟子学抄袭
发信站: BBS 未名空间站
(Sun May 13 19:08:43 2012, 美东)
Wiki 英文原文
Humans grow fastest
(other than in the womb) as infants and toddlers,
rapidly declining from a
maximum at birth to roughly age 2, tapering to a
slowly declining rate, and
then during the pubertal growth spurt, a rapid
rise to a second maxima (at
around 11–12 years for female, and 13–14 years
for male), followed by a
steady decline to zero. On average, female growth
velocity trails off to
zero at about 15 or 16 years, whereas the male curve
continues for
approximately 3 more years, going to zero at about 18–20.
These are also
critical periods where stressors such as malnutrition (or
even severe child
neglect) have the greatest effect
方舟子 《身高的烦恼》中文
(In the U.S., the heritability of height was estimated as 80 percent
white men. 美国白人变成了美国人,方博士读懂了没有)
标 题: Re: 跟着方舟子学抄袭
发信站: BBS 未名空间站
(Sun May 13 19:08:43 2012, 美东)
Wiki 英文原文
Humans grow fastest
(other than in the womb) as infants and toddlers,
rapidly declining from a
maximum at birth to roughly age 2, tapering to a
slowly declining rate, and
then during the pubertal growth spurt, a rapid
rise to a second maxima (at
around 11–12 years for female, and 13–14 years
for male), followed by a
steady decline to zero. On average, female growth
velocity trails off to
zero at about 15 or 16 years, whereas the male curve
continues for
approximately 3 more years, going to zero at about 18–20.
These are also
critical periods where stressors such as malnutrition (or
even severe child
neglect) have the greatest effect
方舟子 《身高的烦恼》中文
(In the U.S., the heritability of height was estimated as 80 percent
white men. 美国白人变成了美国人,方博士读懂了没有)