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给伊利莎白的一封密信(Gellory Letter To Ealizaberthy)


2010年我在浙江开始了一段流浪生活,刚开始在KFC,网吧,建筑站。后来长大一点之后开始在高速路边,环境恶劣的绿化带里,被游客践踏无数次的公园湖泊边上。我的残碎的记忆如同西安省被挖掘抚摸裸露的兵马俑,更像清晨枯黄树枝树叶燃烧涣散出的空永不落定尘埃。我傍晚把行李都带到行人罕至的树林里,在浓密的树影下等待第二天的阳光,虽然每天食不果腹,却要面对蚊子昆虫对我不速之客的洗礼 。当晨曦把树荫投射在那片盐碱地上时也带来炎热和苍蝇,我无法忍受生物界的生存法则,但还得咬牙坚持.我感觉自己的血肉之躯就要葬于此联同我所接受的义务教育,记忆,情感。就像不可回收的垃圾一样,若干年后是一尊没有墓碑的坟------------

1楼2012-05-10 19:48回复
    Gellory Letter To Elisabeth
    my problem:
    About 2010y i have reaved my pouring life in zhejing Province.At the first time ,i stayed in KFC,net-bar,construction stationand so on.than i begin stronger come to live at the side of high speed road,unprotected environment place,garde or lake which is steped by tourists many times.My broken remembership just like the duged out and played away Terocotor Warriores and such as the burned yellow leaves and branches spread out white unstabilizated frog in moring.At night i bring mypackage to the none wakeman forerist,sit under the tree,i may received the sunshine next day.Though i feel hungry ,but i have to do my best to face to the fly(special animal) even though i have a stomacake.I feel i will die in this **** place without joy.Several years later this is a tome without graveyade just like rubbish station.

    2楼2012-05-10 20:15