Wesleyan University is known for the excellence of its academic and co-curricular programs. More than 2,700 undergraduates—and some 200 graduate students—from around the world pursue their classroom studies, research projects, and co-curricular interests in ways that are demanding and intensely rewarding. Here, on a beautiful campus overlooking the Connecticut River, students learn to do productive and innovative work that makes a positive difference in the world—that’s what Wesleyan is about. 这是一段Wesleyan的介绍~简单说下就是Wesleyan在康州,历史悠久。离大家熟知的Yale应该会很近。作为一所文理学院,Wesleyan学生并不多,但是小班化的教学很精英主义很特色。文理学院也就是College,不是大专的意思。文理学院跟大学(University)的区别是文理学院没有研究生部。这样的好处是老师对于教学比较看重,不会像大学里面很多老师主要任务是研究。 Wesleyan去年在US News上的文理学院排名是全美第12。也就是很牛很牛。但是知名度不高,因为是文理。
Wesleyan University is known for the excellence of its academic and co-curricular programs. More than 2,700 undergraduates—and some 200 graduate students—from around the world pursue their classroom studies, research projects, and co-curricular interests in ways that are demanding and intensely rewarding. Here, on a beautiful campus overlooking the Connecticut River, students learn to do productive and innovative work that makes a positive difference in the world—that’s what Wesleyan is about. 这是一段Wesleyan的介绍~简单说下就是Wesleyan在康州,历史悠久。离大家熟知的Yale应该会很近。作为一所文理学院,Wesleyan学生并不多,但是小班化的教学很精英主义很特色。文理学院也就是College,不是大专的意思。文理学院跟大学(University)的区别是文理学院没有研究生部。这样的好处是老师对于教学比较看重,不会像大学里面很多老师主要任务是研究。 Wesleyan去年在US News上的文理学院排名是全美第12。也就是很牛很牛。但是知名度不高,因为是文理。