仓鼠是一种可爱的生命体。 它有着透彻的双目,短小的四肢,尾巴和那圆圆的身子。 部分仓鼠很温顺,可人。 当你回家向它投去温柔的眼光他抬起它那小小的头颅用那无辜的双眼望着你,无论是谁,都会会心一笑吧。 不知道这是造物主对他的一种偏爱,还是怎样。 The hamster is a lovely life. It has a thorough binocular, with short legs, tail and round body. Part of the hamster is very gentle, lovely. When you go home to vote to gentle eyes he lifted its little head with innocent eyes looked at you, no matter who, will smile. Do not know this is the creator of one of his preference, or what.
我描述仓鼠习性一直都是 Hamster is a kind of animal that very cute. Thought they are lovely、softy, we can't raise them together. It means two or more hamsters can't stay in the same cage or they will fight with each other until one die. Sounds horrible but it's ture.