BLAIR: The worst thing you’ve ever done. The darkest thought you’ve ever had. I will stand by you through anything.
CHUCK: The worst thing I ever did. The darkest thought I ever had. You said you would stand by me through anything. This, Blair, is anything.
BLAIR: I never thought that the worst thing you would ever do would be to me!
BLAIR: There is something someone could do to get back the Empire. And yes, it is terrible. But they'd be doing it out of love.
BLAIR: I would do anything for you, Chuck, but what if that's wrong? I never thought it was possible to love someone too much, but maybe it is.
BLAIR: I wasn’t going to show up, I was resolved not to. Every bone try to slow me, every voice in my head screamed don’t. But I didn’t listen... In the end, love makes everything simple.
他们爱的太猛以至于自己都痛苦,很多这方面的书籍标题都是'When It Hurts Too Much to Let Go' o或者'When Love Hurts.'
BLAIR: I was the one who asked you to say it first... And when you didn't I wanted to die.
BLAIR: Chuck Bass, I love you. I love you so much it consumes me.
BLAIR: I've been acting like I'm okay, but I'm not. They say it's a broken heart, but I hurt in my whole body. What if I stay like this forever? What if I never get over Chuck?
BLAIR: It's taking all the power I have to walk away from you.
BLAIR: Chuck and Blair. Blair and Chuck. Who else could love me after what I've become?
BLAIR: We're both sick and twisted. If you think about it, we're incredibly fortunate to have even found each other.
BLAIR: Louis made me happy. Happy. Do you know the last time I felt joy? Chuck had brought me into his darkness for so long, I had forgotten what that felt like.
BLAIR: I loved Chuck for so long and he's punished me for it. He ended up treating me like something he owned instead of something he earned. And it destroyed me.
C把自己在布鲁克林的豪华酒店命名为“the Charles”这自恋的荒唐了都!我认为这酒店就是C自恋的缩影。在S4最后一季,B在此当做人质,Russel差点要把B在那里点了。Blair waldorf,确实在Charles那毁了。
这两种人的感情很兴奋,依赖助成者提供对方narcissistic supply,自恋者提供对方喜欢的:戏剧性,改变他人,或者是毁了别人等等。他们的感情就是过山车,谷底中的谷底,巅峰中的巅峰。
CHUCK: You and I are magnetic. You can feel it. Our pull is as undeniable as ever.
CHUCK: No one could ever measure up to what we had.
CHUCK: I know you felt it.
BLAIR: We were caught up in a scheme. And it was role play.
CHUCK: It was real. I know you feel it right now.
CHUCK: I did the most dangerous thing I could when I said I love you. But it was worth it.... We're never going to be safe. So are you brave enough or aren't you?
BLAIR: What we have is a great love. It's complicated. Intense. All-consuming. No matter what we do and how much we fight, it'll always pull us in. What's mere happiness in the face of all that, right?
看上去他们对这种感情有瘾,报复性**啊,毁了彼此啊,金玉盟求婚啊(LZ要吐了,真的),这一刻他们跌入谷底,下一刻攀上高峰。BC恋充满了戏剧和危险,这一生他们可能都不能从别人身上找到这种感觉。但是第四季末,B想体验一些新的事物,她想吻D,想感受。但是她“没感觉到”,她躺了一周接受C是命中注定的,她告诉L他是她"the only man in my life, the only man that I want there, anyway." B没有忘了C,但她想忘。
这意味着即使L对B比C好那么多,即使L让她开心而C不能,即使L更诚实,更简单,是她从S3就想要的,即使L是B现实中的梦想, B还是要C,就在被他虐待没两天之后。这不浪漫,这太太太悲哀了。