什么是死?是终点,是永诀,是不可挽回,是再也握不到的手、感觉不到的温度,再也说不出口的“对不起”。 What is death? Is the end, is good, is irreversible, is you can not hold hands, do not feel the temperature, again also cannot say" sorry".
那个男人说过,如果有一天他死了,在这个世界上只有一件东西能证明它的存在,就是流着他一半血的楚子航。 The man said, if one day he died, there is only one thing in the world to prove its existence, is the flow of his half blood Chu Zihang.
整个天空映在他的瞳孔里,这么看去,好像所有的雨点都是从天心的一点洒落,都会落入他的眼中。 The whole sky reflected in his eyes, so look, as if all the raindrops are from the heart of a fall, fall into his eyes.
全世界是有两万人是你一见到她就会爱上她的,可你也许一辈子都遇不到一个。 The world will have twenty thousand people you see she will fall in love with her, but you may never have to encounter a.
每个人都会有些理由,可以让你豁出命去。你留着命……就是等待把他豁出去的那一天。 Everyone will have some reason, can make your whole life to. Save your life ... ... He is waiting to go that day.
你风度翩翩,衣袖上不沾染一点血迹,真是太帅了!可是我不行,因为我的位置不在巅峰上,我就在那个战场上,每一份,每一秒都有人在我周围死去,他们的疼痛绕着我,我看见他们的脸、他们的血、他们断裂的身体,每一张脸都是我熟悉的,都是我的同伴。 Your graceful bearing, sleeve with a little blood, is really too! But I can't, because my position is not at the top, me on the battlefield, every, every second there are people around me die, their pain around me, I saw their faces, their blood, their broken bodies, each face is my familiar, are my companions.