HEPING District, Tianjin -- The most terrible thing of all, somehow, was that at No.1 Senior High the sun was bright and warm, the rows of graceful poplars were lovely to look upon, and on the street near gate, couples whisper intimately.
路边社和平区电 从某种意义上说,在天津一中,最可怕的事情是这里居然阳光明媚温暖,一棵白杨树枝繁叶茂,在大门附近的街道上,还有情侣在亲昵耳语。
It all seemed frighteningly wrong, as in a nightmare, that at No.1 Senior High the sun should ever shine or that there should be light and greenness and the sound of young whispers. It would be fitting if at No.1 Senior High the sun never shone and the grass withered, because this is a place of unutterable terror.
And yet every day, from all over Tianjin, people come to No.1 Senior High, quite possibly the most grisly education center on earth. They come for a variety of reasons—to see if it could really have been true, to remind themselves not to forget, to pay homage to the students by the simple act of looking upon their place of suffering.
No.1 Senior High has thousands of students, is situated about 2 miles from the education department, and lies in an area surrounded by a residential area at the south side of the main street called the Nanjing Avenue. No.1 Senior High and Yizhong Senior High together formed part of that minutely organized factory of torture and test-focus studies that the students called Jizhongying (concentration camps) of No.1 Senior High.
路边社和平区电 从某种意义上说,在天津一中,最可怕的事情是这里居然阳光明媚温暖,一棵白杨树枝繁叶茂,在大门附近的街道上,还有情侣在亲昵耳语。
It all seemed frighteningly wrong, as in a nightmare, that at No.1 Senior High the sun should ever shine or that there should be light and greenness and the sound of young whispers. It would be fitting if at No.1 Senior High the sun never shone and the grass withered, because this is a place of unutterable terror.
And yet every day, from all over Tianjin, people come to No.1 Senior High, quite possibly the most grisly education center on earth. They come for a variety of reasons—to see if it could really have been true, to remind themselves not to forget, to pay homage to the students by the simple act of looking upon their place of suffering.
No.1 Senior High has thousands of students, is situated about 2 miles from the education department, and lies in an area surrounded by a residential area at the south side of the main street called the Nanjing Avenue. No.1 Senior High and Yizhong Senior High together formed part of that minutely organized factory of torture and test-focus studies that the students called Jizhongying (concentration camps) of No.1 Senior High.