【清明梦相关名人】吉勒摩·迪·特洛(Guillermo del Toro),墨西哥著名导演,代表作<<潘神的迷宫>>,他在2010年的访谈中谈到,他11岁之前经常做清明梦,和梦里的怪物做好朋友,这也是他灵感的源泉以及长大后爱拍怪物片的原因。
From the crib all the way to age 11, more or less, I had what is called lucid dreaming, which means you dream that you are awake. So I literally saw monsters. I was used to monsters, I loved them. But, at a very early age, I made a deal with them to allow me to go to the bathroom because I was so afraid I ended up peeing in my crib. We stayed friends. There are only two things that you can do in art, or in storytelling - you can tell about the good stuff in life, which has always been very boring to me, or you can tell stories about the dark side of life, which has been much more attractive to me.