梨花轻言伤吧 关注:18贴子:2,904




来自手机贴吧1楼2012-02-26 15:15回复

    来自手机贴吧2楼2012-02-26 15:17
      你若离去 后会无期 你若离去 后会无期 你若离去 后会无期 等不到 风中你的脸颊 眼泪都美到很融洽 等不到 掩饰的雨落下 我的眼泪被你觉察 等不到 你的雪月风花 我们的爱也有时差 等不到 不经意的牵挂 却没出息的放不下 你说陪我到某年某月某天 却把我丢在某日某夜某街 错的并不是你 而是全世界 你带走我的思念 却没说抱歉 一起走过的黑夜 变一地白雪 我把记忆都翻遍 却没有发现 我们约好的明天 你留给昨天

      来自手机贴吧4楼2012-02-27 10:58
        你若离去 后会无期 你若离去 后会无期 你若离去 后会无期 等不到 手中松开的沙 被风扬起的很优雅 等不到 送你蝴蝶发卡 你的他爱上了短发 你说陪我到某年某月某天 却把我丢在某日某夜某街 错的并不是你 而是全世界 你带走我的思念 却没说抱歉 一起走过的黑夜 变一地白雪 我把记忆都翻遍 却没有发现 我们约好的明天 你留给昨天 你带走我的思念 却没说抱歉 一起走过的黑夜 变一地白雪 我把记忆都翻遍 却没有发现 我们约好的明天 你留给昨天 我们约好的明天 你留给昨天

        来自手机贴吧5楼2012-02-27 10:58

          来自手机贴吧6楼2012-02-27 11:00
            考试什么的都去死吧 我要回家作我的梦想 就算风会很大浪会很大 但我有力量 学校不让留头发土的掉渣 还告诉爸妈你的孩子太差 管不了拉回家种田吧 为什么 我的音乐课被霸占了 变几何 三角方块睡觉了 抬着头看着云吹着风哼着歌 我在惬意呢 再说我也不容易 考了整个年级的倒数第一 对不起我下一次一定努力 就先这样我今天要练琴 考试什么的都去死吧 我要回家作我的梦想 就算风会很大浪会很大 但我有力量 学校不让留头发土的掉渣 还告诉爸妈你的孩子太差 管不了拉回家种田吧 为什么 成绩会有那么重要 被人笑 真有那么好笑 成绩好会很l 有鲜花有鞭炮 我当然知道 其实我真有努力 在你看不到的地方会拼命 每一天都为了梦想在前进 没关系我一定也可以

            来自手机贴吧7楼2012-02-27 11:00
              考试什么的都去死吧 我要回家作我的梦想 就算风会很大浪会很大 但我有力量 学校不让留头发土的掉渣 还告诉爸妈你的孩子太差 管不了拉回家种田吧 考试什么的都去死吧 我要回家作我的梦想 就算风会很大浪会很大 但我有力量 学校不让留头发土的掉渣 还告诉爸妈你的孩子太差 管不了拉回家种田吧 摇曳的小花 有一天也会长大 考试什么都去死吧

              来自手机贴吧8楼2012-02-27 11:01

                来自手机贴吧9楼2012-02-27 11:02
                  忘了有多久 再没听到你 对我说你最爱的故事 我想了很久 我开始慌了 是不是我又做错了什么 你哭着对我说 童话里都是骗人的 我不可能是你的王子 也许你不会懂 从你说爱我以后 我的天空星星都亮了 我愿变成童话里 你爱的那个天使 张开双手变成翅膀守护你 你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里 幸福和快乐是结局 ******music****** 你哭着对我说 童话里都是骗人的 我不可能是你的王子 也许你不会懂 从你说爱我以后 我的天空星星都亮了 我愿变成童话里 你爱的那个天使 张开双手变成翅膀守护你 你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里 幸福和快乐是结局 我要变成童话里 你爱的那个天使 张开双手变成翅膀守护你 你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里 幸福和快乐是结局 我会变成童话里 你爱的那个天使 张开双手变成翅膀守护你 你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里 幸福和快乐是结局 一起写我们的结局

                  来自手机贴吧10楼2012-02-27 11:02
                    정말 싫은데 정말 싫은데 정말真的不想 真的不想 真的
                    백지영白智英 - 총 맞은 것처럼像中枪一样(中韩对照)
                    정신이 너무 없어没有了灵魂
                    웃음만 나와서只想笑 所以笑了
                    그냥 웃었어 그냥 웃었어就那样笑了 就那样笑了
                    그냥 就那样
                    허탈하게 웃으면虚伪的笑着
                    하나만 묻자해서 只想问你一个问题
                    우리 왜헤어져 我们为什么会分手
                    어떻게 헤어져 怎么会分手
                    어떻게 헤어져 어떻게怎么会分手 怎么会
                    구멍난 가슴에 우리 추억이 흘러 넘쳐有了洞的心装着的都是我们的回忆
                    가슴을 막아도就算试着挡住心
                    손가락 사이로 빠져나가也只能全从手指间流走
                    심장이 멈춰도 이렇게 아플꺼 같진않아即使心脏停止了跳动也好象没有这样疼
                    어떻게 좀 해줘 나 좀 치료해죠怎么样帮帮我 给我治疗
                    이러다 내 가슴 다 망가져如果再这样下去 我的心将遍体鳞伤
                    구멍난 가슴이有了洞的心
                    어느새 눈물이 나도 모르게 흘러自己也不知道就流出了眼泪
                    이러기 싫은데不想这样
                    일어서는 널 따라我跟随着起身走了的你
                    무작정 쫓아갔어 도망치듯 걷는没有考虑就追了上去
                    너의 뒤에서 너의뒤에서逃跑一样走在你身后 你的身后
                    구멍난 가슴에有了洞的心
                    우리 추억이 흘러 넘쳐装着的都是我们的回忆
                    가슴을 막아도就算试着挡住心
                    손가락 사이로 빠져나가也只能全从手指间流走
                    심장이 멈춰도 이렇게 아플거 같진 않아即使心脏停止了跳动,也好象没有这样疼
                    어떻게 좀 해줘 날 좀 치료해줘怎么样帮帮我 给我治疗
                    이러다 내가슴 다 망가져如果再这样下去 我的心将遍体鳞伤
                    총맞은 것처럼 정말真的像中枪一样
                    가슴이 아파 어어 ~心好疼
                    이렇게 아픈데 이렇게 아픈데这么疼 这么疼
                    살 수가 있다는 게 이상해 竟然也可以活 真的很奇怪
                    어떻게 널 잊어 내가 我要怎么才能忘记你 我
                    그런거 나는 몰라 몰라 我不知道 不知道
                    가슴이 뻥 뚫려 채울수 없어서 心里有了个洞 无法弥补
                    죽을만큼 아프기만해 所以疼的比死还要难受
                    총맞은 것처럼 우후 ~像中枪一样

                    11楼2012-03-10 01:25

                      Lenka -《 Trouble Is A Friend 》
                      LRC by lzh 'from jiangxi pingxiang
                      Trouble will find you no mater where you go' oh oh.
                      No Matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow' oh oh.
                      The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn' oh oh.
                      Your fine for a while but then start to loose control.
                      He's there in the dark'
                      he's there in my heart'
                      he waits in the winds
                      he's gotta play a part.
                      Trouble is a friend'
                      yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh!
                      Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe' oh oh.
                      And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow' oh oh.
                      He sees what I see and he knows what I know' oh oh.
                      So don't forget as you ease on down the road.
                      He's there in the dark'
                      he's there in my heart'
                      he waits in the winds
                      he's gotta play a part.
                      Trouble is a friend'
                      yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh!
                      So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.
                      I won't let him win' but im a sucker for his charm.
                      Trouble is a friend'
                      yeah trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh!
                      Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel.
                      And how I try to make him leave; I try.
                      Oh Oh I try!
                      He's there in the dark'
                      he's there in my heart'
                      he waits in the winds
                      he's gotta play a part.
                      Trouble is a friend'
                      yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh!
                      So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.
                      I won't let him win' but im a sucker for his charm.
                      Trouble is a friend'
                      yeah trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh!
                      // //

                      12楼2012-03-10 01:27

                        《I will always love you》
                        If I should stay,
                        I would only be in your way.
                        So I'll go, but I know
                        I'll think of you ev'ry step of the way.
                        And I will always love you.
                        I will always love you.
                        You, my darling you. Hmm.
                        Bittersweet memories
                        that is all I'm taking with me.
                        So, goodbye. Please, don't cry.
                        We both know I'm not what you, you need.
                        And I will always love you.
                        I will always love you.
                        (Instrumental solo)
                        I hope life treats you kind
                        And I hope you have all you've dreamed of.
                        And I wish to you, joy and happiness.
                        But above all this, I wish you love.
                        And I will always love you.
                        I will always love you.
                        I will always love you.
                        I will always love you.
                        I will always love you.
                        I, I will always love you.
                        You, darling, I love you.
                        Ooh, I'll always, I'll always love you. // //

                        13楼2012-03-10 01:28
                          《tomorrow will be better》
                          When you wake up in the morning
                          When you haven't started to think
                          There is a whole brand new day
                          Open wide and waiting for you
                          I know in life's sorrow,
                          you're on the verge of drowning
                          May your tears flea with yesterday
                          blow away with the wind
                          When you wake up in the morning
                          When you haven't started to think
                          The world is out there calling open
                          eyes to new beginning
                          A newborn sun is shinning
                          Chasing shadows from your mind
                          Everything will be alive,
                          under the sunshine's smile
                          Come out from your corner
                          No doubt in join us
                          You can decide the future
                          Devote your youthful power to this world
                          Come together, hand in hand together
                          I know you'll do
                          We pray and believe
                          that tomorrow will be better.
                          No, I don't know what your name is
                          But you're so familiar to me
                          Cause we belong to one family
                          You can hear my heart calling
                          Life can be music,
                          rainbows can be reached
                          If you face yourself truly
                          keep striving for your dream
                          Come out from your corner
                          No doubt in join us
                          You can decide the future
                          Devote your youthful power to this world
                          Come together, hand in hand together
                          I know you'll do
                          We pray and believe
                          that tomorrow will be better.
                          When you wake up in the morning
                          When you haven't started to think
                          There is a whole brand new day
                          Open wide and waiting for you
                          I know in life's sorrow,
                          you're on the verge of drowning
                          May your tears flea with yesterday
                          blow away with the wind
                          Come out from your corner
                          No doubt in join us
                          You can decide the future
                          Devote your youthful power to this world
                          Come together, hand in hand together
                          I know you'll do
                          We pray and believe
                          that tomorrow will be better.
                          Come out from your corner
                          No doubt in join us
                          You can decide the future
                          Devote your youthful power to this world
                          Come together, hand in hand together
                          I know you'll do
                          We pray and believe
                          that tomorrow will be better. // //

                          14楼2012-03-10 01:30

                            Lee Hyori -《 10 Minutes 》
                            Just one 10 minutes nae guht shi dwi neun shi gan
                            Soon jin hahn nae suhn ae sohk ah oh neun nam ja deul
                            Baby da reun mae ryuk ae heun deul ri go eet jjah nah
                            Yong ki nae bwah da ga wah nal ga jihl soo do eet jjah nah
                            Uh neu nuh jeun bahm hon ja deul uh sun goht juhm
                            Choo neun sa rahm deul geu sohk ae geu nyuah wah nuh
                            Waehn ji kuhl ri neun nuhl gat go shi puh jyuh
                            Geu nyuah ga ja ril bi oon geu shi boon ahn ae
                            Ji roo haet dun soon gan ee
                            Nal bo neun soon gan dahl la juh suh (I'm telling you)
                            Oh rae deun yun in geu gae ah ni dun
                            Joong yo hahn sa shil eun nun nae gae duh kuhl ri neun guht
                            I say nuh ae geu nyuah neun ji geum guh ool eul bo myuh
                            Buhl eun saek rihp seu tik hwah jang eul deut chil ha go
                            Baby neup eun goo doo ae ah pa ha go ee seul gul
                            Na neun dahl la geu nyuah wah nal bi gyo ha jin mal ah jwuh
                            Jahl eun soon gan ee ah ni la go haet jja nah
                            Young hwah sohk ae kat ihn oo ri ga dwi neun guh ya
                            Young hwah sohk shi boon il nyun do ji na chyuh
                            Uh ddae gub muhk ji neun ma nuh do nal won hae
                            Ji roo haet dun soon gan ee
                            Nal bo neun soon gan dahl la juh suh (I'm telling you)
                            Oh rae deun yun in geu gae ah ni dun
                            Joong yo hahn sa shil eun nun nae gae duh kuhl ri neun guht
                            Just one 10 minutes nae guht shi dwi neun shi gan
                            Moh deun gae kkeut nan hoo geu nyuah ga oh go ee suh
                            Baby buhk eun rihp seu tik juhn seu reup ki do ha ji
                            Nae gae wah bwah ee jae nun nal ah nah bwah do gwaen cha nah
                            Don't tell a lie just be yourself him deul gae doohl ruh dae ji ma
                            Nuhl dduh na dahl la mal eul hae (Have it your way)
                            Bling bling shine' it's right toe sarang ae ppa jin guh la go
                            Guh ji seul mal hal kkuh myun moh doo ob dun gul ro hae
                            I say nuh ae geu nyuah neun ji geum guh ool eul bo myuh
                            Buhl eun saek rihp seu tik hwah jang eul deut chil ha go
                            Baby neup eun goo doo ae ah pa ha go ee seul gul
                            Na neun dahl la geu nyuah wah nal bi gyo ha jin mal ah jwuh
                            Just one 10 minutes nae guht shi dwi neun shi gan
                            Soon jin hahn nae suhn ae sohk ah oh neun nam ja deul
                            Baby da reun mae ryuk ae heun deul ri go eet jjah nah
                            Yong ki nae bwah da ga wah nal ga jihl soo do eet jjah nah
                            Just one 10 minutes // //

                            15楼2012-03-10 01:34

                              郑源 - 《当我孤独的时候还可以抱着你 》
                              再怎么寂寞 又算得上什么
                              再怎么孤独 也算不上无助
                              再怎么寂寞 又算得上什么
                              再怎么孤独 也算不上无助
                              // //

                              16楼2012-03-10 01:35