——:子夜安好[子夜执笔/小白退散] 手边的老式唱机播放着亘古不变的音乐,韶华朦胧而去的穿梭之间清扬颓废不现 时光的足迹停留在烟花江畔在滴答流逝,到我们凝望不到的光年渐行渐远无踪迹 白色的裙裾四散展开似一朵白皙的水莲,凝着千年的沉寂渐离渐远宛若浮生之梦 琥珀的气息氤氲成一团灼灼燃烧的幻境,定格成一幅盛大水墨覆手却是飞蛾扑火 烟霞袅绕几缕猩色一室奢华满目的疮痍,往事涩颦暗葬靡靡花败姣容若月颦娇笑 ——:There’s nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears ——:Love may fade with the season, but some friendships are year round. ——:Be nice to people on your way up, because you' ll meet them on your way down. “苦涩在城市里一闪而过,充斥着我们所不能预见的荣枯叠替,心心念想的往后在空气中肆意的漂浮,让我们弃磕碰于不顾。” “幸福在城市里无迹可寻,充斥着我们寥寥几笔旧月往事蹉跎,记不起那是哪年哪月哪天又是星期几,让我们弃青春于不顾。” “真情在城市里渺无踪迹,充斥着我们绵软沉寂而的残花漫然,笑靥缱绻着划过九曲长廊刺激着耳膜,让我们弃情感于不顾。” ——:Life is too short to waste time on someone who is unworthy of your love. ——:If you're brave enough to say GOODBYE, life will reward you with a new HELLO. ——:The most important thing we should do is doing everything well we can do well