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╭╔╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╗━—英语练习册答案,, 亲 快进来叭


A 1. I am watching television.
2. I am listening to the radio.
A1 1. being 2. becoming 3. beginging 4. carrying 5. dropping 6. escaping
7. lying 8. pulling 9. putting 10. rainning 11. stealing 12. wating
A2 2. Are Richard and Ken camping ?
2. Ye Qing is shopping.
4. Mrs Tang is phoning a friend.
5. The girls are swimming.
6. Is Joseph tying a knot?
A3 2. Mr and Mrs Patel are using cloth bags for shopping.
3. Jane and Laura are putting litter in the bin.
4. Herry is writing on both sides of his paper.
5. Mrs Lu is sending old magazines to the recycling centre.
6. Mr Yuan is planting a tree in this garden.
1. The car is belongs to my uncle.
2. I want a cool drink.
A4 2. rings 3. have Do want 4. contains take 5. think 6. don't know
好累啊.... = =.....
A5 2. not rain;rains 3. hides;doesn't want 4. watch;think 5. speak;speaks
A6 2. am learning;understand 3.am reading;contains;belongs
4. is cooking;smells;tastes 5. play;enjoy 6. knows;don't belive
B1 1. forget 2. are discussing 3. does;mean 4. is snoring
5. am arranging;Do;want 6. Don't think 7. have 8. needs 9. Does
10. doesn't know
B2 (1) don't know (2) contains (3) means (4) smells (5) don't think
(6) am working (7) need
P7 1. They like a lot of rain and warm weather .
2. This can help you wake up.
3. About 4,000 years ago.
4. Arabs like tea with mint and lots of sugar.
5. In a hot summer day.
6. Yes, I do. I like red tea best.(开放性题目)
打了我25分钟 多不容易啊我 亲 帮忙顶一下 TAT...QAQ...

1楼2012-02-08 18:12回复
    是啊是啊 还是你算有点良心

    3楼2012-02-08 20:26
      那是那是 哦哈哈哈

      5楼2012-02-08 21:13
        那个神马的,,, 有错的。。- - 同学将就着抄吧

        9楼2012-03-08 19:53