Martin Gatiss and Stevin Moffat on casting the leads 本人水平有限,渣翻一些重要的地方哈。 魔法特:之所以找Benedict来演福尔摩斯,是因为首先他外形很像福尔摩斯(Benedict got the look, very much the look of SH.)Benedict具有那种领袖的气质(He’s got that leading man that sort of thing),那种英雄拜伦式的特质。(that Byronic thing)。 而且我们希望拍的是处在事业初期的福尔摩斯,必须是三十岁左右(Given that we want to SH to be at the start of his career when he has to be about 30.),而演员BC恰好是为数不多的那种年龄在30岁左右,而且又具有相似外貌和冷峻气质的演员(He’s one of the few actors about that age who’s got the gravitas, and the appearances that would sell SH to you.)
Martin Gatiss: 我们为福尔摩斯挑选演员,就让BC一个演员试镜了,然后马上就决定让他演。了。(Benedict was the only person we saw. And we just picked him right away. ) 但是为华生这个角色选演员,就花了不少时间,因为我们需要找一个跟能跟BC匹配的。(Then casting John Watson was a longer process because we needed to find a fit to BC. )
Martin Gatiss:这个过程很有意思,因为我们见了很多不错的演员。同时我自己也是一名演员,就会发现,其实选角不仅是看你的演技,更重要的是你是否跟其他角色搭。要知道能来试镜的都是很优秀的。(And that was a very interesting thing because we saw a lot of great people. But…It’s very reassuring for me as an actor as well to be on the other side of the table to discover that really it’s about the fit. You know very few people would ever come into any audition and not be very good. )
最后魔法特的一段说得也很好,他回应12楼Mark Gatiss最后那一句“Martin came and it was just instant.” “并不仅仅是演员Martin自身演技多好,而是他对BC产生的那种影响。只要Martin在,突然之间,BC就能演得更像福尔摩斯。他俩之间立马就产生出火花,就是那种一拍即合的感觉。我们从第一眼看到Martin和BC合作,就想不出更好的演员来演华生这个角色了。” It wasn’t just what he did. It was the effect he had on bc in a way because bc suddenly became even more SH if martin is in the room so the two of them together was instant chemistry. It was slamdunk. We can’t contemplate anybody else for Watson the moment we saw Martin and Benedict together.