被S02E03虐到,需要治愈啊,于是就去看文,觉得这文不错,就试着翻译了下,英语渣,中文也渣,大家随意吐槽啊 以上,欢迎大家指正啊~
授权:I would be honoured. I only ask that you give credit where credit due and send me an email to teegi92[at]hotmail[dot]com linking me to the translations.
Thank you,
- OG
原文链接:http: //www. fanfiction. net/s / 6 448609 /1 / Write_A_Bad_Romance
授权:I would be honoured. I only ask that you give credit where credit due and send me an email to teegi92[at]hotmail[dot]com linking me to the translations.
Thank you,
- OG
原文链接:http: //www. fanfiction. net/s / 6 448609 /1 / Write_A_Bad_Romance