men are the products of total war, grown up in the streets of scattered
towns without any education. The only thing they knew was to handle
weapons for the Reich. They were young people with a hot heart and the
desire to win or die: right or wrong – my country. When seeing today the
defendants in the dock, don't believe them to be the old Kampfgruppe
Peiper. All of my old friends and comrades have gone before. The real
outfit is waiting for me in Valhalla. 中译;我的士兵都是战争中的产物,成长於战争中破碎的街道、残缺不堪的城镇里且未受过任何高等教育,他们唯一知道的就只有如何拿著武器为国家而
他们都不愿承认过去是派普战斗群的一员)…我所有的老朋友和战时同袍都已经过世,而那个真正属於我的地方正是北欧神话中,迎接战士亡魂的瓦尔哈拉殿堂。 4.History
is always written by the victor, and the histories of the losing
parties belong to the shrinking circle of those who were there. 中译:历史是由胜利者书写的,然而历史的真相往往属於那些历史的亲身经历者。
so long ago now. Even I don't know the truth. If I had ever known it, I
have long forgotten it. All I know is that I took the blame as a good
CO should have been and was punished accordingly. 中译:已经是很久的事了,即便我不知晓事情的真相。如果我知道,我也早就想把他忘掉…我所知道的就是我承担起了所有对我的批评,以及伴随而来的惩罚。
Malmedy Massacre! Who knows and cares anymore? No one – no one – will
ever sort out the mess now! Too many lies have been told these last
twenty five years." 中译:malmedy 事件!谁又会想去知道?谁又会想去关心?没有一个人,没有一个人会想去理解这一堆杂乱的事情,因为这25年来有太多的谎言被批露了出来