【I am Cuban, Argentine, Bolivian, Peruvian, Ecuadorian, etc... You understand. 】我是古巴人,阿根廷人,玻利维亚人,秘鲁人,厄瓜多尔人,还有...你懂的。(当他人问及他的祖国)
【At the risk of sounding ridiculous, a true revol§itionary is guided by great feelings of love.】即使冒着也许会听起来十分荒谬的风险,(我也要告诉你们,)真正的G命是由伟大的爱引导的。
【Many will call me an adventurer - and that I am, only one of a different sort: one of those who risks his skin to prove his platitudes.】很多人都称我为冒险家——事实上我的确是,只是与普通冒险的类型不同:我和这些千万个不同的冒险家一样,拿自己的生命冒险,只为证实我们的宣言。
【If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine.】如果你能为世界上的任何不公而愤怒,你就是我的同志。
【We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it.】我们要有勇于献出自己的生命的决心,这样才能获得我们的民主和自由。
【Cruel leaders are replaced only to have new leaders turn cruel!】推翻残暴的统治者,仅为变得更残暴。
【Until victory always.】直到胜利永远。
【I don't care if I fall as long as someone else picks up my gun and keeps on shooting.】只要有人能够接过我手中的枪,将为自由而进行的抗争持续下去,我的死亡实在是微不足道的事情。
【The revolu$ion is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.】自由不会像树上的苹果,随着时间的推移自然就落下的,你必须斗争才能得到它。
【Never be indiferent to injustice.】在不公面前,永远不要保持中立。