译名我通常遵循译林版,不去改动,但“小精灵”和“奥克斯”我会改为“精灵”和“兽人”。我知道Orc(s)的翻译仁者见仁智者见智,这里我用“兽人”,纯粹是个人偏好。 HERE FOLLOWS A PART OF THE TALE OF ARAGORN AND ARWEN 'Arador was the grandfather of the King. His son Arathorn sought in marriage Gilraen the Fair, daughter of Dírhael, who was himself a descendant of Aranarth. To this marriage Dírhael was opposed; for Gilraen was young and had not reached the age at which the women of the Dúnedain wen accustomed to marry. ' "Moreover," he said, "Arathorn is a stern man of full age, and will be chieftain sooner than men looked for; yet my heart forebodes that he will be shortlived." 'But Ivorwen, his wife, who was also foresighted, answered: "The more need of haste! The days are darkening before the storm, and great things are to come. If these two wed now, hope may be born for our people; but if they delay, it will not come while this age lasts." -------- 译林版 -------- 阿拉多是阿拉贡的祖父,其子阿拉桑欲娶德黑尔之女“天仙”【这个实在不能接受】吉尔蕾恩为妻。德黑尔是阿拉纳斯之后裔。对这一婚姻,他持反对态度,理由是吉尔蕾恩尚未成年,按杜内丹人的习俗,还不是婚娶年龄。 况且,他说:“阿拉桑是位成年人,生性严厉,他担当统领要比人们预料得早,我预感到他的寿命不长。【这段的前后逻辑不明显】 但他的妻子【名字漏了】也能预知将来,答道:“事不宜迟!【这和原文有微妙差别吧?】现在是山雨欲来,黑云压城,不久就要出大事。我看如果他俩现在成婚,或许还会给人民带来希望。要是耽搁了,恐怕就没机会了。【age这个词是有特殊意义的,而且这里原文意思也有微妙差别。】 ------- 校译后 ---------- 阿拉多是阿拉贡的祖父,其子阿拉桑欲娶德黑尔之女、美貌的吉尔蕾恩为妻。德黑尔自己是阿拉纳斯的后裔,对这一婚姻,他持反对态度,理由是吉尔蕾恩还年轻,按杜内丹人的习俗,还没到女子通常婚娶的年龄。 “还有,”他说:“阿拉桑生性严厉、业已成年,担当统领之日将会比人们预料得更早;但我心中有不祥预感,他会短命。” 但他的妻子伊沃尔温也有预知天赋,她答道:“所以才更要抓紧啊!现在是山雨欲来、黑云压城,不久就要出大事。如果他俩现在成婚,或许还会为我们的族人孕育希望,但若是耽搁,那它终此纪元也不会再临。”
'The next day at the hour of sunset Aragorn walked alone in the woods, and his heart was high within him; and he sang, for he was full of hope and the world was fair. And suddenly even as he sang he saw a maiden walking on a greensward among the white stems of the birches; and he halted amazed, thinking that he had strayed into a dream, or else that he had received the gift of the Elf-minstrels, who can make the things of which they sing appear before the eyes of those that listen. 'For Aragorn had been singing a part of the Lay of Lúthien which tells of the meeting of Lúthien and Beren in the forest of Neldoreth. And behold! there Lúthien walked before his eyes in Rivendell, clad in a mantle of silver and blue, fair as the twilight in Elven-home; her dark hair strayed in a sudden wind, and her brows were bound with ge***ike stars. 'For a moment Aragorn gazed in silence, but fearing that she would pass away and never be seen again, he called to her crying,Tinúviel, Tinúviel ! even as Beren had done in the Elder Days long ago. -------- 译林版 -------- 次日日落时分,阿拉贡独自在林中漫步,心潮澎湃【这和原文有微妙区别】,满怀希望,眼前一片美景,他不禁引吭高歌【这显得夸张了吧】,他边走边唱,突然看到一位少女在白桦林的绿茵地上行走,惊讶得停下脚步,以为是在梦境中。不然就是得到了小精灵吟游诗人的天赋,能使歌唱对象出现在眼前【这一整段都欠缺点美感】。 当时阿拉贡唱的是《露西恩女郎》中的一个片段。这支歌唱的是露西恩与贝伦在奈尔多雷斯森林相遇的情景。瞧!露西恩就在林谷,就在他面前款步而行,身穿银蓝相间的披风,美如小精灵家园之晨曦【twilight用在Arwen这里不是晨曦,应是暮色】,微风吹来,吹起她一绺深发【哪有一绺】,额上戴着宝石,闪烁如星星。 阿拉贡一时惊呆了【这是错误】,担心她会突然消失,再无处可寻。于是就冲着她喊:“蒂努薇尔!蒂努薇尔!”就如古时贝伦那样大叫【这……太白了吧orz】。 -------- 校译后 -------- 第二天日落时分,阿拉贡独自走在林中,心情很好;他唱起了歌,因为他满怀希望,天地间又是一片美景。他正唱着,突然间看到有位少女在白桦林木间的绿茵上漫步。大吃一惊,他停下了脚步,以为自己是在做梦,不然就是获得了精灵吟游诗人的天赋,能使歌中场景出现在听众眼前。 这是因为,当时阿拉贡唱的是《露西恩之歌》的一段,它讲述了露西恩与贝伦相遇在奈尔多雷斯森林的情景。于是,看哪!就在他眼前,露西恩现身在林谷,身穿银蓝相间的披风,美如精灵家园的薄暮;乍起的风中,她黑发飘扬,额上戴着的宝石闪烁犹如群星。 阿拉贡先是默默凝视了一刻,可又担心她会消失、再不复见,于是向她唤道:“蒂努薇尔!蒂努薇尔!”与古时贝伦所做同出一辙。
'Then the maiden turned to him and smiled, and she said: "Who are you? And why do you call the by that name?" 'And he answered: "Because I believed you to be indeed Lúthien Tinúviel, of whom I was singing. But if you are not she, then you walk in her likeness." ' "So many have said," she answered gravely. "Yet her name is not mine. Though maybe my doom will be not unlike hers. But who are you?" ' "Estel I was called," he said; "but I am Aragorn, Arathorn's son, Isildur's Heir, Lord of the Dúnedain"; yet even in the saying he felt that this high lineage, in which his heart had rejoiced, was now of little worth, and as nothing compared to her dignity and loveliness. 'But she laughed merrily and said: "Then we are akin from afar. For I am Arwen Elrond's daughter, and am named also Undómiel." -------- 译林版 -------- 那位女郎转过身来,对他莞尔一笑,说:“你是谁啊?为什么要叫我那个名字?” 他答道:“因为我相信你就是露西恩•蒂努薇尔,刚才我正在唱她。即便你不是她,但走路的姿态却是一模一样【错得一塌糊涂……】。” “许多人都这么说。”她正色道,“可她的名字并不是我的名字【这话好别扭】,当然我的命运可能与她相同。你是什么人?” “我叫埃斯特尔。”他说,“但实际上我是阿拉桑之子阿拉贡,伊西尔德的继承人,杜内丹人的统领。”尽管他很为自己的出身自豪,但此时他觉得无甚价值,与她的高贵与可爱比起来,一切都无足轻重。【这段只有大改。】 她朗声笑道【merrily是朗声吗?】:“那么说我们是远亲喽。我是埃尔隆德之女阿尔温,也叫昂多米尔【译名错误】。” -------- 校译后 -------- 那位少女转过身来,莞尔一笑,说:“你是谁?为什么用那个名字叫我?” 他答道:“因为我相信你就是露西恩•蒂努薇尔,我刚才正在唱她。你即便不是她,也如她再世。” “许多人都这么说。”她正色道,“可我不叫她的名字,虽说我的命运未必与她不同。不过,你是谁?” “他们叫我埃斯特尔。”他说,“但我其实是阿拉桑之子阿拉贡,伊西尔德的继承人,杜内丹人的统领。”他曾为自己这份高贵血统自豪,但现在他一一道来,只觉得它没了价值,比起她的端庄优雅就是无足轻重。 但她轻快笑道:“那么说我们就是远亲了。我是埃尔隆德之女阿尔文,又名乌多米尔。”
"Often is it seen," said Aragorn, "that in dangerous days men hide their chief treasure. Yet I marvel at Elrond and your brothers; for though I have dwelt in this house from childhood, I have heard no word of you. How comes it that we have never met before? Surely your father has not kept you locked in his hoard?" ' "No," she said, and looked up at the Mountains that rose in the east. "I have dwelt for a time in the land of my mother's kin, in far Lothlórien. I have but lately returned to visit my father again. It is many years since I walked in Imladris." 'Then Aragorn wondered, for she had seemed of no greater age than he, who had lived yet no more than a score of years in Middle-earth. But Arwen looked in his eyes and said: "Do not wonder! For the children of Elrond have the life of the Eldar." 'Then Aragorn was abashed, for he saw the elven-light in her eyes and the wisdom of many days; yet from that hour he loved Arwen Undómiel daughter of Elrond. -------- 译林版 -------- “在危险时期,人们总是把细软珍藏起来,这不奇怪。但我真佩服埃尔隆德和你的兄弟们,我自幼就在令尊家里居住,却从来没有听说过你,也一直没见过你。这是怎么回事?莫非令尊将你锁在地窖里了【地窖?orz 蓝胡子……】?” “哪有的事?”她说,抬头眺望矗立在东方的群山,“我有一段时间居住在我母亲族人的土地上,那是在遥远的洛丝萝林,最近才回到故乡探望父亲。我已经很多年没在林谷中散步了。” 阿拉贡听了直发愣【这是错误】,因为她看来并不会比自己年长,而他在中洲才生活了不过二十年。阿尔温看着他的眼睛,说:“没什么奇怪的,埃尔隆德的子女个个长寿如埃尔达人【这个译名我很无语】。” 阿拉贡一脸窘迫,因为在她眼中看到了小精灵的光彩与睿智【有漏译】。从那一刻起,他深深的【哪有……】爱上了埃尔隆德之女阿尔温•昂多米尔。 -------- 校译后 -------- “动荡时期,常见人们藏起至宝。”阿拉贡说。“但我真佩服埃尔隆德和你的两个哥哥!我可是自幼就住在这里,却从没听人提起过你;我们一直没能谋面,这怎么可能?你父亲该不是把你锁进了宝库吧?” “没有,”她说,抬头眺望东方矗立的群山。“我一度住在我母亲族人的国度,就是远方的洛丝萝林,最近才又回来探望父亲。我已经多年不曾涉足林谷了。” 听了这话,阿拉贡心生疑惑,因为她表面看着并不比他年长,而他在中洲也才活了不过二十年的岁月。然而阿尔文迎着他的目光说:“不必疑惑!埃尔隆德的子女拥有埃尔达的寿命。” 于是阿拉贡注意到了她眼中的精灵之光和积年的智慧,不禁窘迫了。而从那一刻起,他爱上了埃尔隆德之女阿尔文•乌多米尔。
"But Elrond saw many things and read many hearts. One day, therefore, before the fall of the year he called Aragorn to his chamber, and he said: "Aragorn, Arathorn's son, Lord of the Dunedain, listen to me! A great doom awaits you, either to rise above the height of all your fathers since the days of Elendil, or to fall into darkness with all that is left of your kin. Many years of trial lie before you. You shall neither have wife, nor bind any woman to you in troth, until your time comes and you are found worthy of it." "Then Aragorn was troubled, and he said: "Can it be that my mother has spoken of this?" "'No indeed,' said Elrond. 'Your own eyes have betrayed you. But I do not speak of my daughter alone. You shall be betrothed to no man's child as yet. But as for Arwen the Fair, Lady of Imladris and of Lorien, Evenstar of her people, she is of lineage greater than yours, and she has lived in the world already so long that to her you are but as a yearling shoot beside a young birch of many summers. She is too far above you. And so, I think, it may well seem to her. But even if it were not so, and her heart turned towards you, I should still be grieved because of the doom that is laid on us.' "'What is that doom?' said Aragorn. "'That so long as I abide here, she shall live with the youth of the Eldar,' answered Elrond, 'and when I depart, she shall go with me, if she so chooses.' -------- 译林版 -------- 但埃尔隆德见貌辨色,世事洞明。在那年的秋天来临前的一天,他把阿拉贡召唤到他的王宫,说:“阿拉贡,阿拉桑之子,杜内丹人的统领,请听我说!摆在你面前有一个重大的命运选择:要末超越伊伦迪尔以来历代国王【不确切】,要末与你的族人沉入黑暗。你要经历多年的磨难,在此期间,你不能娶妻,也不得与任何女人亲近【……这不是亲近啊orz 否则还不如翻成“不近女色”……】,直到胜利的一天到来,直到你可以当之无愧地成家立室。” 阿拉贡感到十分困惑【这不是困惑是困扰】,问道:“是我母亲讲出了我心中的秘密吗?” “不,”埃尔隆德说,“是你自己的眼睛背叛了你。但我指的并不是我的女儿,你跟任何人的女儿都不能结婚【状语哪去了……否则你要他搅基去吗囧】。至于“天仙”【这个也不能忍】阿尔温,林谷与萝林之女,她是人民心中的长庚星,她的血统要比你高贵得多,她在这个世界上已经活了很久。与她相比,你不过是一棵长在历经春秋的年轻白桦树旁的小苗。她比你高得多【这话真别扭】,我觉得她也是这么认为的。即便不是如此,即使她倾心于你,我依然为我们的宿命悲哀。” “什么宿命?”阿拉贡问。 “只要我坚守【坚守阵地吗orz】在这里,她要和年轻的埃尔达生活在一起【……大错特错】。”埃尔隆德答道,“如果我离开,她将与我同行,如果她作出这样的选择的话。” -------- 校译后 -------- 但是,埃尔隆德察言观色,洞悉人心。因此,那年秋天来临前的一天,他把阿拉贡叫到自己房中,说:“阿拉桑之子阿拉贡,杜内丹人的统领,听我说!等待你的命运至关重要:要么超越自伊伦迪尔统治以来你的历位祖先的荣光,要么与你仅存的族人一同堕入黑暗。多年考验在前,你不能娶妻,也不得与任何女子终身相许,直到你功成名就、当之无愧。” 听了这话,阿拉贡感到困扰,他问:“难道是我母亲提到了这事?” “并不是她,”埃尔隆德说,“是你自己的眼睛背叛了你。然而,我说的不单单是我的女儿,不管谁的女儿,你都还不能订婚。至于美貌的阿尔文,她是林谷与萝林的公主,是她族人的长庚星。她血统比你更高贵,而且她已度过世间漫长岁月,你之于她,只如区区一棵小苗长在历经寒暑的年轻白桦旁。她是你可望不可及的,而我想,她很可能也这么看。但是,即使她不这么看、并且倾心于你,我依然会因我们身负的宿命而悲哀。” “什么宿命?”阿拉贡问。 “那宿命是:只要我留在中洲,她就享有埃尔达的青春活力。”埃尔隆德答道。“而当我离去,她将与我同行,若她如此选择。”