♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Tadaima my dear dear darling precious sweetheart hubby otto arigato gozaimasu for your awesome power of love & always posted your awesome handsome news to encourage me when i’m down so nice & so sweet of anata to have always made my day, night & rock my world i’ll not give up for the sake of anata darling i’m hontouni deeply touched with tears you rock my heart always melts non~stop darling i want nobody nobody but you, your love is my daily drug & i can’t live without it darling loving anata wholeheartedly is my daily eternal everlasting endless mission only especially for anata my darling I Shernise Kaneshiro always swear to my dear Gohonzon that i will always devote my entire & eternal life to always aishiteru anata truly, madly, deeply, forever, daily, wholeheartedly, ima 24 hours non~stop & i’ll always remain totally absolutely faithful, responsible, loyal & obedient not only past life or ima demo always lifetime after lifetime eternal lifetime should i ever fail to accomplish my daily eternal everlasting endless mission as a duty of your princess okusan i’ll die in a horrible state dear Gohonzon please always let me suffer whatever karma for my darling precious prince dannasama Takeshi i’ll always send my daily Buddhist Gods to protect anata daily my darling 一生只爱你 i’m always having heavily eternal everlasting endless love debts with anata anatagainaitoikiteikenai umakuaiseruyounito aaishite ‘ru yo, sugoku kimi ga hoshii yo zuttoaishiteru watashinohokorowaitudemoanatatoisyo zuttosaikounotumadeilune....7th November daily guidance vitamin to cheer you up always my only darling precious sweetheart handsome prince charming hubby dannasama….”True ease & comfort are not found in a quiet, unevenful life….This may sound paradoxical, but hardships bring about ease & comfort….For only by establishing strong individual lives capable of boldly challenging difficult obastacles can we find true “peace & security in this lifetime,” as the Lotus Sutra says….” 最爱の贵重でハンサムな王子魅了の夫私はだれもだれもほしいと思わないが、あなたの爱あなたへの私の约束が永远の寿命….の私の毎日の薬剤であるあなたの食事を常に规则的に取りなさい、より少なく烟らしなさい及び饮みなさい少しワインを….より暖かい水を饮みなさい及び身に着けなさいより多くのジャケットを….安全は常に绝対に残る及び私の为のために健康…..美しいparents~in~lawとのすばらしい夕食及び周末を过しなさい….常に気をつけて运転しなさい及び1つに私の日刊新闻Daimoku、无限爱、永久に抱拥及び百万の接吻常に心をこめて送るkiotsuketeのyoroshikuのonegaishimasuのi’mは及びひどくまっすぐに深く心配する、私の中心のimaによって、あらゆる秒、毎分、あらゆる时间を、あらゆる时考える、逃す及び爱する、爱最爱の恋人の夫のi’mのhontouniだけ伪りなく、猛烈に、毎日及びすべての私の毎日のDaimokuのnon~stop毎晩24时间の、爱、王女の妻のSherniseあなたの美しいKaneshiroのoyasumi、甘美な梦、睡眠の井戸を及び坚く坚い私の最爱の人抱き缔めたり及び接吻する my darling sweetheart dannasama koishii anata so badly ima doushitemoanatagahituyoudesu zuttoisyoniitai dakishimetai kissshitai aishiteru truly, madly, deeply, always, wholeheartedly, forever straight through my heart with all my eternal everlasting love hug hug my only darling sweetheart prince dannasama zuttoaishiteru oyasumi, sweet dreams, sleep well & tight tight muacks muacks my darling highness dannasama….^-^….♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥