I know many of you aren't able to read this, but I want to thank each and every one of you for making me smile everyday. You guys are incredible, and I'm extremely grateful for all the support I've received. I can't thank you guys enough. I never thought I'd ever reach this many subscribers in such a short amount of time. Thank you for everything. All of you guys in the UTube community have been so good to me, and words can't express my appreciation.
1. How old are you eh?
- I'm 21 years old.
2. What nationality are you hmm?
- I'm Taiwanese :) If you're confused, i'm Chinese.
3. Any professional training?
- I took 13 years of piano lessons.
4. Do you have a CD?
- Nope. It's all for funsies! You can download all my songs for free though. I won't tell, I promise. Although my band and I will be releasing an EP as soon as we're done with it.
5. Like oh em jee ur so kute r u like totally single?
- I'm a YouNoob because Frank aka ice1cube
made me make an account. Have you seen that guy? He's like the hulk. He'd crush me.
8. Why don't you try out for American Idol?
- Because I suck :) waaaaah.
9. Why do you look so funny?
- Aw maaaaan. Sorry I'm not prettier.
10. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
- Penguin. Durr! Why walk when you have a playfully fat belly to slide on?
11. I think you're a big loser that has no life. What should I do?
- Treat yourself to a cookie because you are correct! Gold sticker for you. Boop.
12. Wanna produce for me or my band?
- Oh hells yea homeskillet! Get in contact with me :)
1. How old are you eh?
- I'm 21 years old.
2. What nationality are you hmm?
- I'm Taiwanese :) If you're confused, i'm Chinese.
3. Any professional training?
- I took 13 years of piano lessons.
4. Do you have a CD?
- Nope. It's all for funsies! You can download all my songs for free though. I won't tell, I promise. Although my band and I will be releasing an EP as soon as we're done with it.
5. Like oh em jee ur so kute r u like totally single?
- I'm a YouNoob because Frank aka ice1cube
made me make an account. Have you seen that guy? He's like the hulk. He'd crush me.
8. Why don't you try out for American Idol?
- Because I suck :) waaaaah.
9. Why do you look so funny?
- Aw maaaaan. Sorry I'm not prettier.
10. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
- Penguin. Durr! Why walk when you have a playfully fat belly to slide on?
11. I think you're a big loser that has no life. What should I do?
- Treat yourself to a cookie because you are correct! Gold sticker for you. Boop.
12. Wanna produce for me or my band?
- Oh hells yea homeskillet! Get in contact with me :)