As one of the two winners of The Glee Project, Damian McGinty has really been the only consistent face from the series so far. With the exception of runner-up Lindsay showing up in the season premiere, McGinty is the only one promised an appearance in the series who has shown up so far. Now, it seems that the singer/actor will in fact be staying a bit longer.
作为TGP两位冠军之一,除了开始出现的亚军Lindsay~Damian McGinty算是唯一一位正式出演glee的选手,现在看来,他将会在glee呆上更长的时间。
Mark Malkin from E! released the news yesterday that McGinty will in fact stay on the series past his initial episode arc. Originally, his character was supposed to depart in the season's tenth episode, airing in January, but that apparently will no longer be the case.
Mark Malkin昨天爆出新闻,McGinty实际上会留在这个剧集里。一开始,他的角色不会出现在一月播出的第十集中,但现在情况明显不是这样了。
There is, however, no word on how long McGinty will be staying on the series. His original episode arc was seven episodes, but some of the hours he has so far appeared in were for only a brief glance, or he did not even receive actual lines. Whether or not the crew felt this was unfair most likely has lead to his extension, not to mention positive reactions from fans have also fueled it as well.