@Cunning 表示去搜了一下,有惊喜0 0!好吧这个只是传言啊传言,但是。。还是有希望的!
There is a new movie listed on Tim Roth's iMDb page: Crossmaglen.
His role is rumored to be the one of Joe Biddle.
TR的IMDB主页上新添了一部电影,据传出演角色为Joe Biddle。
IRA gunner Dermot McGarvey is a hunted man - by both the British and his own. In hiding on a Christmas Eve stakeout to ambush British soldiers, Dermot accidentally kills a mother and her two young children. This action begins a downward spiral that takes McGarvey through the no-go area of Armagh through the divis of Belfast. Who can you trust when you've run out of options? Who lives and who will ultimately die for their sins?
某圣诞夜,他在逃亡的途中为监视并杀害英国士兵,无意中杀死了一名母亲和她的两个孩子。这样举动让他不得不开始了一场逃亡。当别无选择时,你还能信任谁?谁将生存下来,谁又将为赎罪而死?。。。(0 0这个简介哦。。。和没说差不多)