米杨吧 关注:790贴子:100,400



Jobs remains in the Reed college area for 18 months dropping in random classes like caligraphy, which would later impact the typography on Macs.

16楼2011-10-06 19:02

    Returned to California and worked at Atari. He just showed up and said he wouldn’t leave until they hired him.
    Steve goes on a spiritual trip to India with his friend Dan Kottke and paid for his ticket. Upon wandering into a religious gathering, Jobs was taken away to the top of this mountain where the guru shaved his head. In India, Steve experimented with LSD. Dan shaved his head later, too, because he had lice. Steve left for California and gave Dan the rest of his money so he could continue his journey in India.
    Back at atari, Nolan Bushnell asked Jobs to work on a special project that would eventually become the game Break-out. He made a deal to pay Jobs a certain amount if the machine had less than 40 chips. Woz, who was an expert at such things, helped Jobs complete the design in 48 hours, and Jobs got the bonus. The design was too complex to be manufactured. In 1985, Woz would later find out his friend shorted him his portion and is rumored to have been so hurt that he was moved to tears. When confronted, Jobs at the time is said to have repeated that he didn’t remember that happening. If he’d found out earlier, Woz may have never joined up with Jobs to create Apple.

    17楼2011-10-06 19:03

      In the Homebrew Computer Club, Woz was showing off two printed circuit boards that were built to drive output to a TV. Jobs continued working at Atari while Woz continued at HP.

      18楼2011-10-06 19:03

        Woz and Steve start Apple, naming it to differentiate the company from hobbyist boards. Apple wasn’t a thrilling name, but it would work and reminded him of the time he spent on an apple farm in Oregon. On April 1st, they signed papers for equal ownership. To raise capital, Woz sold his HP 65 electronic calculator for $520 and Jobs sold his red and white VW bus for $1500 — only half of which was ever paid, because the engine blew out soon after the sale. Their first order was for 50 Apple I computers, and Jobs made the sale barefoot. He confused the order and delivered circuitboards instead of finished machines with cases, and so had to take partial payment. By the end of the year, they shipped 150 computers.

        19楼2011-10-06 19:03

          1976 Part 2
          Woz and Jobs decided the Apple II would lofdad their OS from the circuit board, instead of needing to be loaded manually. It would also have a fanless power supply, something that needed to be designed from scratch using a switching model instead of a linear source.
          Mike Markkula is their first investor. Seeing their work, he thinks he can put Apple on the Fortune 500 in 5 years and he eventually does.

          20楼2011-10-06 19:03

            Apple Computer becomes a corporation when Mike Markkula and Jobs and Woz sign papers at Mike’s house, on January 3rd.
            Mike Scott, becomes Apple’s president, and offends Jobs in two ways: First he awards Woz the position of being employee number 1 because his design was instrumental in the company’s founding. Jobs would later insert himself as employee number 0. Later, he informs Jobs his body odor is stinking up the office.
            Jobs begins leaving his mark on Apple’s design by hiring Intel’s ad agency, Regis McKenna Advertising to redesign the logo to the rainbow filled Apple, which would be easily recognizable when small, although expensive to reproduce with its many colors. The bite out of its side was a play on the word "byte" and kept it from being confused with a tcherry tomato. He also insisted the Apple II
            The Apple II premiers at the West Coast Computer Faire on April 17th as the world’s sleekest personal computer, in its plastic case. Woz developed the machine with only 62 chips and Jobs insisted they be neatly placed on the board. It has no visible screws (all were on the bottom) and expansion slots.
            Randy Wigginton, one of Apple’s first programmers, said that during the development of the Apple II, Woz and Jobs’ BFF friendship dissolved.
            Jobs’ girlfriend, Chris-Ann Brennan, becomes pregnant, and Steve denies being the father. She refuses to get an abortion and it ends their relationship.

            21楼2011-10-06 19:04

              May 17th 1978, Lisa Nicole, Jobs daughter is born at the All-One farmhouse in Oregon, near Apple orchards. Steve visited and helped name her but denied paternity. Steve Also begins pitching a next generation business machine that will eventually be called the Lisa.
              Steve Jobs designs a case for the Apple III, and builds it too small to fit the components the engineering team had constructed.
              Apple moves into Cupertino headquarters.
              At the first Apple Halloween costume party, Jobs dresses up as Jesus Christ.

              22楼2011-10-06 19:04

                He starts working on the Lisa project, rumored to be named after his then estranged daughter. They reversed engineered an acronym, "Local Integrated Software Architecture", and a joke at the time insisted it stood for "Let’s Invent Some Acronym." The computer would have a UI based on the windowed and mouse driven interfaces inspired by tech at Xerox PARC. At one of the meetings at PARC, where they showed Jobs the tech, he reportedly jumped around the room excited saying, "Why aren’t you doing anything with this This is the greatest thing! This is revolutionary!" He also said, to Rolling Stone magazine, " I don’t think rational people could argue that every computer wouldn’t work this way someday."
                He bought a house in Los Gatos, and left it mostly undecorated. Only a painting by Maxfield Parrish, a mattresss and some cushions are noted as the major possessions in the home. (The photo above was taken by Diana Walker in 1982.)
                Jobs is known for owning a Mercedes coupe and in this year he buys his first (along with a BMW motorcycle.)
                Jobs cuts his hair neatly and vows to become more business saavy. And started wearing suits, occassionally.
                A word processor called AppleWriter was released. It worked with Apple’s first printer, Silenttype.
                He takes a paternity test and it is 94.97% certain that Lisa Nicole is his daughter. He still denies that he is her father and Chris-Ann goes on welfare. A court order forces him to pay child support.

                23楼2011-10-06 19:04

                  Apple stock goes public, Jobs is worth $217 million dollars. Yet, his friend and travel partner through India, Dan Kottke, received no stock at all, despite being employee #11. It is rumored that Jobs denied him stock because he felt betrayed that Kottke offered Chris-Ann a shoulder to cry on after her split with Jobs. Other early employees received little or no stock. Woz, on the other hand, offered stock to many who Apple did not provide for, giving away 1/3 worth of his shares under his Wozplan.
                  Jobs was worth $217 million by the end of the first day of trading.

                  24楼2011-10-06 19:05

                    Sometime in the ’80s, Jobs had this moustache. Related: Magnum PI aired first in December 1980.

                    25楼2011-10-06 19:05

                      Booted from the Lisa team by management that disagreed with his tactics and doubted his leadership abilities beyond his vision, Jobs gets involved with the Jef Raskin’s Macintosh project, named after the Mcintosh apple, with a typo. It was designed to be a $1000 appliance computer that would turn on and just work. Eventually, Jobs would take the project away from Raskin. At one meeting, Jobs threw a telephone book on the table and insisted it be no longer than that, and vertical standing. He comissioned frogdesign and Hartmut Esslinger to come up with the design language for the Mac, called Snow White.
                      Unlike Woz’s Apple II, it had no expansion cards. While much of Apple was becoming more straight laced, some credit Burrell Smith, a wildly creative tech who’s talent was being wasted in the service department, for creating a brilliant digital board that the rest of the team could build around. It was also notable, because unlike the Lisa project and others that were usually named after females (wives, girlfriends, daughters) the Mac was purposely named by Raskin to buck the sexist trend. (The project was originally called Annie.) Before much of this, in 1979, Jobs asked Raskin to come up with the specs before the price. And Raskin wrote a list of outrageous features meant to mock the idea. The list would, years later, describe most of the machine, vidicating Jobs’ method.
                      The Mac team defines the reality distortion field as different from how we describe it today: An engineer would mention an idea to Jobs, who would call it stupid, and weeks later he’d bring it up as his own, knowingly or not.
                      Jobs describes the case design of the Mac needing to be more like a Porsche than a VW (he drove a Porsche 928 at the time). He spoke design-ese and said this when judging a prototype coming from the car conversation: "It’s way too boxy, it’s got to be more curvaceous. The radius of the first chamfer needs to be bigger, and I don’t like the size of the bezel. But it’s a start."

                      26楼2011-10-06 19:05

                        1981 Part 2
                        Jobs gives, Bill Gates a demo of the Macintosh, and Gates agrees to develop software for it. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs disagree on the future of the computer, Gates believing in its business utility and Jobs believing in its benefit to common people. In the dramatized movie, Pirates of Silicon Valley, Gates uses this demo to kickstart Windows development, behind Jobs’ back. Apple engineers were to avoid showing Gates the Lisa, though, and were very secretive of the what they demoed. Jobs cuts off Andy Hertzfeld, engineer and presenter by shouting "Shut Up!" when he thought Andy was getting too close to revealing a secret.
                        When the first IBM pc came out, Apple took out a cocky ad in the Wall Street Journal led with the text "Welcome IBM. Seriously." Jobs was quoted as saying that if IBM were to win, there would be a sort of "computer dark ages for about 20 years". Steve also said, "We’re going to out market IBM. We’ve got our shit together." 20 years later, PCs running Windows would have over 90% market share.

                        27楼2011-10-06 19:05

                          1981 Part 3
                          Here’s another photo of Jobs saying hello to IBM.

                          28楼2011-10-06 19:06

                            Jobs makes Bill Gates and Microsoft promise to never work on sfotware any business software that would use a mouse unless it was for Apple. The fact that they did not exclude them from developing a competing operating system would allow Gates to develop Windows alongside the Mac software Microsoft was developing.
                            The Mac team’s building had an alarm that would set itself at 5:30PM, far too early not to go off when programmers would come back to work after dinner. One day it went off and Steve yelled for someone to destroy it. Andy Hertzfeld drove a screwdriver into the alarm and when a security guard showed and yelled at them, Jobs took responsibility for the destroyed machine. Obviously, he didn’t get in trouble.
                            Jobs is dating singer Joan Baez. Some say Jobs’ fascination with Bob Dylan, a former lover of Baez’s, is part of the attraction.
                            Jobs buys an apartment in NYC in The Sam Remo building over looking Central Park. He had it renovated by architect I.M. Pei, but would never move in and eventually sells it to U2′s Bono decades later.

                            29楼2011-10-06 19:06

                              Steve Capps of the Macintosh team hoists a pirate flag above their building. The Lisa team steals it, but it is retrieved and stands for over a year.
                              Early in the year, a Time magazine cover story written by Michael Moritz (today a venture capitalist who was recently on the board of Google) began to reveal the darker side of Jobs to the public. It had quotes by Woz claiming he didn’t design much tech in the Apple II, and lots of snipes by anonymous sources. Jobs cancelled his new years plans and thought about the article.
                              People could tell when Steve was in the office, because he parked in the handicapped spot out front in his blue Mercedes. People think he did it because he was a dick, but David Bunnell, has been quoted as saying it was because disgruntled Lisa or Apple II employees would come by and scratch it with their keys.
                              "It’s better to be a pirate than to join the Navy," said Steve. The Mac project stole more and more technology from the Lisa project, especially after Burrell Smith figured out how to get the same processor as the Lisa, the Moto 68000, into the Mac. Jobs refused to make the two machines code compatible, however.
                              The final Lisa product would be released years later for $10k, 5 times the original project’s cost. It would tank, competing with IBM’s $3k machine.
                              Jobs hires John Scully to be CEO, from Pepsi, with the line, "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?" Other’s considered Scully’s lack of tech knowledge a drawback; Jobs saw it as an opportunity to guide the man would would be his boss.
                              Gates unveils Windows, claiming over 90% of the IBM machines on the market would run the software by the end of 1984.

                              30楼2011-10-06 19:06