【顺其自然的N种表达】 1)Let it be.随他去吧。2)Let nature take its course. 听其自然/顺其自然。3)Keep it casual. 顺其自然。4)What must be, must be=What(ever) will be, will be. 万事不必苛求,顺其自然。5)Let something slide. 放任某事/任其自然。6)Leave it as it is/they are.听其自然。
1. Result from…起因于...,由…所引起;2. Result in...导致...,结果是...;3. attribute to…把...归因于…;口语中常用表达句型:1. The reason why...is that...;…的原因是…;2. This is/explains why... ,这就是…的原因,这说明了为什么…
郁闷时必备的英文句子: 1.Tough luck, but shit happens.真倒霉,但还是发生了。2.People have dirty looks on their faces.人们的脸都很臭。3.Get off my back!不要再烦我了!4.Cut / Give me some slack!放我一马吧!
1)上床睡觉get into bed、turn in for the night 、hit the hay 、hit the sack 、retire to bed;2)小睡一下/打盹 take a nap/have a nap、take a catnap /take a snooze 、grab forty winks、have a short doze 3)抓住机会补眠一下grab/snatch some sleep