其他4个人继续要他叫温流跳舞,但是泰民把纸条藏在屁股后,说"I’ll get onew hyung last!"(姊姊的os:疯了!!只能意会不能言传啊,是要留到最后吃了李珍基吗XDDD)
jinki said that he gave taemin a nice present but he refused to mention what it was. all the other members giggled alot but none of them mentioned what it was
there was this segment where taemin had the chance to ask the other 4 hyungs to do whatever was on the papers. one of it was “do a wild/crazy dance” and he wanted to ask jinki to do it. apparently the other 4 members kept asking him to ask jinki to do it there and then but taemin hid it under his butt and said “i’ll get onew hyung last!” eventually jinki did it and the other 4 members were cheering “dance sexily and wildly!” so jinki teased by going “i think i might take off..” and then he took off his left shoe HAHA (he wore grey socks)