McCurdy is living out another dream job — a guest judge on Food
Network’s Cupcake Wars! The 19-year-old actress/singer shared with
JJJ exclusively, “I love the
Food Network so much and I never thought I’d be able to a part of their shows or
anything. When this came up, I was jumping for joy and one of my brothers
actually asked if he could come. I was like, ‘You haven’t been on the iCarly set in five years and you want to
come to this one?’ (laughs)” Jennette continued about just some of the flavors she
got to taste, “There was one called the Sweet Tea Southern Cupcake. The
challenge was to draw inspiration from southern states. The French judge
[Florian Bellanger] who
definitely knows way more than I do in the pastry world and asks me what I
thought of it. Of course, it was my turn to speak about it and I said, ‘This is
the best cupcake I’ve had in my life. It’s fantastic.’ My plate was clean. I was
scraping for every crumble.” “He turns to the girl who made it and tells
her it’s the worst cupcake he’s tasted on the show. He hated it and I loved it.
It was a bit embarrassing because I thought my palette wasn’t refined.” Jennette’s Cupcake Wars episode will air in late August/early
September to coincide with her album release.