When we looking back that road we have walked, we’ll find there are joys and sorrows—there are endless songs and words. Everything is like a perfect and illusory dream. 回眸我们一起走过的路,欢声笑语,抑郁惆怅;唱不尽的歌谣,抒写不完的文字。一切都像一个完美又迷离的梦境。
The most memorable thing is the temperature of your hands in my palms. The memory of our love is so small but it can hold my whole world. 我最怀念的是我手掌中你手心的温度,不过一只手的回忆,小小的,没有重量,却握得住我全部的世界。
My smile, my tears and my deep love and the times when I am young can only be spent on the one who loves me and I love that man too.. 我的微笑,我的眼泪,我的深情,我年轻的日子只为我爱也爱我的那个人挥掷。
Happiness won’t always wait for you. The one who loves you and the one you love won’t always appear at the same time. Seize the moment and don’t let the happiness slip through your fingers. 幸福不会时时等着你,爱你的人和你爱的人不是随时可以出现,好好把握,不要让自己和幸福擦肩而过
The sweetest sentence in this world is not the “I love you”, but the “I’ll be there" when I need you. 世界上最动人的情话,不是“我爱你”,而是在我需要的时候,你说“ I’ll be there ” 。
Love that can not be a whole life is a interline stop in a long journey, no matter how long it stays, it will leave for another airplane. 无法厮守终生的爱情,不过是人在长途旅程中,来去匆匆的转机站,无论停留多久,始终要离去坐另一班机
If you don’t love a person anymore, you should leave him completely, and do not give yourself any opportunities to go back. 不爱一个人就要全心全意的离开,不给自己任何转圜的余地。
Something can only be told to ourselves. Some pains can only be stood silently. Some secrets can only be buried in the bottom of our heart. We can only save ourselves by our own. 有些心事只能自言自语,有些痛苦只能默默承受,有些秘密只能埋藏心底,自己还是要靠自己拯救。